Tag Archives: Steering Committee
OMVNA Steering Committee Minutes 09-14-09
Attendees: Noam Livnat, Joan Karlin, Aaron Grossman, Bruce Karney, John Emery Neighbors: Jack Perkins, Iva Novak, Hugh Donagher 1. Jack Perkins is interested in starting a Neighborhood Watch. He originally explored the idea with the MVPD’s Community Resource Officer … Continue reading
OMVNA Steering Committee Minutes 08-10-09
Attendees: Kim Copher, Bruce Karney, Aaron Grossman Joan Karlin, Shelly King 1. 108 Bryant and BMR development next door – Neighbors from 108 Bryant discussed the situation with the planned development of Below Market Rate Housing next door on the … Continue reading
OMVNA Steering Committee Minutes 07-13-09
Attendees: Noam Livnat, Joan Karlin, Bruce Karney, Ken Rosenberg, Kim Copher, John Emery Neighbors: Margaret & Paul Lansky, Kiko Lenio, Julia Ha, Deborah Lacy, Dorothy Meier, Carol Bolster, Cheng Xu, Bob Trygg, Julie Lovins, Paul Goldstein, Bill McCormack, Mary … Continue reading
OMVNA Steering Committee Minutes 06-08-09
Attendees: Noam Livnat, Aaron Grossman, Joan Karlin, Bruce Karney, Shelly King, John Emery Neighbors: 1. Minton’s – There was a brief discussion regarding the letter of support the steering committed provided Prometheus. There are concerns about the proposal by … Continue reading
OMVNA Steering Committe Minutes 05-11-09
Attendees: Noam Livnat, Bruce Karney, Aaron Grossman, Kim Copher, Joan Karlin, Ken Rosenberg, Shelley King, John Emery Neighbors: Bob Trygg, Hugh Donagher 1. Prometheus/Minton’s Update Jon Moss and Nathan Tuttle us for an update on Prometheus plans for the Minton … Continue reading