OMVNA Steering Committee Minutes 09-14-09

Attendees:  Noam Livnat, Joan Karlin, Aaron Grossman, Bruce Karney, John Emery
Neighbors:  Jack Perkins, Iva Novak, Hugh Donagher

1.     Jack Perkins is interested in starting a Neighborhood Watch. He originally explored
the idea with the MVPD’s Community Resource Officer for his neighbor’s on Anza Street,
but thought the idea might scale to all of Old Mountain View. Each block would elect/appoint
Block Captain thought would meet monthly with the Police for local activity and things to
look for, then disseminate the information to their respective blocks. We discussed how to
pursue that by perhaps establish a Yahoo! group similar to OMVNAtalk.

2.    Established the Nominating Committee for Steering Committee members for 2010.
Bruce Karney, will head the committee as he can no longer participate due to a new
commitment, and will be joined by Noam Livnat and Hugh Donagher.  The election
typically takes place during the Fall General meeting, at least 30 days after a newsletter
announcement. The tentative schedule is for the nominations to be ready for the newsletter
in late October and the elections to be held in early December. Possible venues include the
Council Chamber, the Police Auditorium, Landels, and the Masonic Hall, a theme will be
discussed at the next steering committee meeting in October. Currently it looks like four
new committee members will be needed.

3.    August minutes approved.

4.     Ice Cream Social review.
468 tickets were distributed during the Summer Ice Cream Social. Joan Karlin has review
for John Emery and Kim Copher to complete so that lessons learned can be passed on.
By and large the reviews are the Ice Cream went pretty well but we need to have some
“monitors” for the kid’s activities (i.e: obstacle course) in the future. John and Kim cannot
thank Bruce, Joan, and Aaron Grossman enough for their assistance on the day of the event.

Adjourned 9:00

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