OMVNA Steering Committe Minutes 05-11-09

Attendees:  Noam Livnat, Bruce Karney, Aaron Grossman, Kim Copher,
Joan Karlin, Ken Rosenberg, Shelley King, John Emery
Neighbors:  Bob Trygg, Hugh Donagher

1.    Prometheus/Minton’s Update

Jon Moss and Nathan Tuttle us for an update on Prometheus plans for
the Minton property. Meetings for immediate neighbors, within 500 ft., are
scheduled for May 19, 21, and 26, mailers have be sent out announcing those
meeting dates. A City Council Study Session is currently scheduled for
this coming June 16 to amend the plan before a final presentation, no
timeframe given.

214 units are currently planned, up from 206 in Jan., 10% will be Below Market
Rate (by law). 120 units will be one bedroom; 94 will be two bedroom; no
three bedrooms or loft space(s) are included in the plan. 308 underground
parking spaces, including “tandems”, are planned; the City standard/guideline/law?
is for 1.5 spaces/unit, which means the number of spaces is on the margin.
Bicycle parking is planned, electrical outlets for plugins will be a consideration.
Prometheus plans to meet or exceed any green standards, and expects a
2 year construction period.

Prometheus is in contact with Classic Communties’ Scott Ward. Classic has rights
for the rest of the block, not including the Minton property and another privately-held
lot (La Fiesta, I believe). They are coordinating building a street between Evelyn
and Villa on their adjoining property but a lease on the Classic side extends until
2014. Prometheus will build their side of the street in the interim until Classic can
join for the final configuration.

The main entrance for the Prometheus has moved from Evelyn, originally, to the
new street joining Evelyn and Villa. The entrance will also be used utility access
but those plans not mature.

2.    Previous Minutes approved, however last names will be included going forward.

3.    UNSCC renewal
United Neighborhoods of Santa Clara County membership renewal was approved.
UNSCC membership allows for affordable insurance rates at planned events.

4.     Spring Event – Bikes
The Spring Bike Event will be held Sunday, May 31, behinds Landels. Commitments
from the Police and a Certified Trainer have been obtained. Additional helpers to
complete safety checks are needed. Refreshmentss and chotchkes TBD. Ride down
Stevens Creek Trail after the event!

5.    Summer Event
Planning has started and will be held August 30. Information is being collected
and plans set prior to the preceding, 7/30, newsletter. Will need to confirm City
monies and  electricity for Mercy/Bush park prior to the event.

We also briefly spoke about Annual Projects, a permanent mailbox, CERT volunteer
openings, and a Soap Box Derby will be on Dana June 6.

adjourn 9:10

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