Attendees: Noam, Kim, Aaron, Bruce, Shelley, Joan, John
Neighbors: Max
1. Vacancies
Kim will fill the Vice Chair opening. Joan Karlim will fill Kim’s At-Large position.
Joan introduced herself briefly and was unanimously voted in.
2. Spring General Meeting (and beyond)
The Spring Meeting is scheduled for May, originally slated for Sunday, May 17.
It will have a bike safety theme with an optional, group ride down the Stevens Creek Trail afterwards. Aaron and Noam are coordinating the meeting. (It turns out
May 17 is “A La Carte and Art,” creating a scheduling conflict for the Police
and our event is now tentatively 5/31. 5/10 is Mother’s day, 5/24 is Memorial Day)
John will be coordinating the Summer Meeting, an “Ice Cream Social”
currently set for August 30, and will be grateful for Kim’s assitance. Bruce added
that the Masonic Hall, next to the Library, has had recent improvements and
maybe an excellent venue for future events.
3. Budget/Expenditures
Aaron reviewed OMVNA’s financal status and recent expenditures, including
a deal on a new radio for CERT. A donation of 100 dollars to Save the Bay
was approved.
The discussion migrated to revenue, the newsletter, and possibly adding new
advertisements not necessarily real estate related. Ideas like Meyer Appliance,
Dana Roasting (possible event coffee?), Books Inc., etc were kicked around.
4. OMNVAtalk
Max elaborated on his views of the mailing list, which were detailed in a mail
he sent prior to the meeting (see “Voluntary efficiency in email lists”, April 13).
Splitting the list was discussed with no real determination made. The moderator’s
role, authority and responsibility, may need some more tuning the next time
the list sees a burst of activity.
5. Accomplishments/Goals
Noam would like each SC member to commit to a new project or goal for the
year: something new, however small.
Adjourn: 9:10