OMVNA Steering Committee Minutes 02-02-09

Attendees:  Noam, Bruce, Aaron, Velva, John
Neighbors:  Bob

1.    Previous Minutes: Approved
2.    John recommend pushing OMVNAtalk to the end of Agenda

3.    Plans for 2009 (Noam)

Noam introduced a couple ideas to enhance the Steering  Committee for 2009.
a)    SC member to assume a Coordinator/Project Leader role for each
General Meeting.

May’s General Meeting was instantly raised as a topic, with possible themes
such as bicycle safety, walking garden tour, or a tour of MV’s Police Facilities
(particularly the canine obstacle course considering the dog park thread on
omvnatalk) were identified. Ken was naturally volunteered to assume a
leadership role although Kim was given serious consideration.

b)    SC members to have a small, annual goal/project.

For instance, Noam was envisioning something like a laminated card for CERT
members  containing action items and contacts in case of an emergency. Further
discussion was deemed necessary, but it was generally thought a good idea.

4.    Replacement for Shelley and Bruce

Bruce is assuming the Newsletter Editor role for Velva, leaving two vacancies on the
Steering Committee. Noam has a candidate, Joan, for the At-large position.
Joan was unable to attend tonight’s meeting but will most likely be at tomorrow’s
general. Is a straw poll via the steering committee alias good enough to designate
a new member or is it something that needs to be recorded at a meeting? Joan
can attend SC meetings starting in March.

It was    brought up that At-large roles in the past have been considered “bench” positions
should another role like Vice-Chair become vacated. No determination was made
since we currently have two vacancies, although our attending neighbor, Bob, was
nominated for one of the openings!

5.    Feb. 10 General Meeting on Energy

Bruce has the ball (see 3a) and everything is ready to go. Three vendors (HomeZ,
SolarCity and Vox Design Group) will make brief presentations at the Adobe Building,
starting at 7:30pm. Modest refreshments were discussed and arranged.

6.     New Business

Our distinguished neighbor raised some concerns over the OMVNA endorsement in
an article in last week’s Voice. The process and thought behind the endorsement for
GateKeeper status was discussed due to the vagary of the Voice article on the nature
of the endorsement.

7.    Officer Reports:

Aaron expanded on some revenue (shortfall) assumptions he projected into 2009’s budget
and John asked some general questions about the Secretary’s role, the Steering Committee’s     charter and OMNVA By-Laws.

8.    Back to OMVNAtalk Moderation and Guidelines

The overhead of moderating the OMVNAtalk list is increasing to the point where the task
has the potential, if not already in bursts, of becoming very significant. The task needs to
be streamlined. Some good points were raised on the evolution of the list into more of a
community and whether the current guidelines and technology meet the needs of
OMVNAtalk. This potentially delicate and combustible discussion needs a forum.
It was also determined to “privatize” the list so it searchable only by members and not
by search engines, a configurable option in Yahoo!Groups.

adjourn 9:15

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