Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is a group of volunteers from the Old Mountain View Neighborhood.

Steering Committee Elected Officers for 2025
Jan. 1, 2025 – Dec. 31, 2025

ChairRobert Cox
Vice-ChairDavid Lewis III
TreasurerCarola Thompson
SecretaryMelanie Kaye
Community LiaisonJamil Shaikh
Newsletter EditorSusan Bickford
At LargeMax Hauser, Shivika Nayyar
Standing SubcommitteesChair / Co-Chairs
CERT CoordinatorSherril Brennan
Historical PreservationJerry Steach
Old MTV EventorsKristin Bailey
Residential ParkingJamil Shaikh & Carol Lewis
Newsletter Distribution (since 9/2024)Lorraine Wormald
Appointed Positions
— Newsletter AdvertisingShivika Nayyar
— WebmasterKristin Bailey

Steering Committee Selection Process

In August or September a Nominating Committee is formed to nominate a slate of officers to make up OMVNA’s Steering Committee for the coming year. The Chair of the Nominating Committee is someone who is not running for a Steering Committee office — usually a former Committee member.

The election of the officers takes place at the Autumn General Meeting. In addition to the slate offered by the Nominating Committee, nominations are also taken from the floor.

The term of office is one year. Officers are not compensated for their time and work on behalf of OMVNA.

If you would like to join the Steering Committee, attend some of the meetings and then let any current officer know of your interest.


The names and roles of previous Steering Committees are available on the site.

Description of positions per the bylaws

  1. The Chairperson shall preside at all membership meetings. The Chairperson shall appoint all committees not otherwise provided for herein with the advice and consent of a majority of the Steering Committee, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. The Chairperson shall serve as delegate of OMVNA to all federations, organizations, committees, or conferences to which OMVNA belongs or decides to send representatives. The Chairperson may request that another Steering Committee member serve as OMVNA’s representative, and may also revoke such a request at any time without prior notice.
  2. The Vice Chairperson shall serve as Chair in the absence of the Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson, in consultation with the Steering Committee, shall prepare agendas for Steering Committee and General meetings. The Vice Chairperson shall serve as alternate OMVNA representative to outside organizations if the Chairperson is unavailable.
  3. The Secretary shall keep minutes of Steering Committee meetings and General meetings, and shall keep a roll of the Steering Committee Members, sub-committee members, and other members. The Secretary shall gather and preserve records of OMVNA’s activities, and make these records available upon request to members of OMVNA. The Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence and official notices of OMVNA, including notices of meetings. The Secretary shall maintain a list of all correspondence, names, addresses, and phone numbers. The Secretary shall maintain a current active membership roster of OMVNA as derived from sign-in sheets collected from meetings.
  4. The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all funds of OMVNA and shall maintain records in accordance with the procedures prescribed in the Bylaws.
  5. The Newsletter Editor shall be responsible for the publication of the OMVNA newsletter. All official actions and decisions of OMVNA or its Steering Committee shall be reported in the Newsletter.
  6. The Community Liaison Officer will receive meeting agendas, minutes, publications and other information from the City or other organizations, as directed by the Steering Committee. The Community Liaison Officer will provide summaries of important information to the Steering Committee, prepare reports for publication in the Newsletter, and keep OMVNA apprised of ongoing and future activities of the City and other organizations that may impact the Old Mountain View Neighborhood.
  7. The two “at large” members will be assigned various tasks, as the Steering Committee deems necessary. These positions are intended to provide a starting place on the Steering Committee for those individuals in the neighborhood that may be hesitant to fulfill one of the other more structured positions. Individuals elected to one of these positions should expect to help out with Steering Committee business on an “as needed” basis and attend all meetings.