Attendees: Noam, Bruce, Kim, Velva, Aaron, John
A. Presentation by Prometheus regarding the development of the Minton Lumber site
Prometheus is presenting their proposal for Gatekeeper status to the City Council
this coming January 27. They propose building 206 rental units at the current site
of Minton Lumber. Gatekeeper status will allow the city to allocate resources to
review their plan. Minton plans to close sometime 2009, the land will be leased to
Prometheus by the current owners to develop rental properties on a long term lease.
Jon Moss and Nathan Tuttle of Prometheus previewed their presentation to the city
to begin the meeting. Prometheus currently owns and operates Park Place and is
based in San Mateo. Their plans for 455 W. Evelyn will be similar to Park Place in
style and demographics.
Prometheus’ website is
B. Dr. Kathie Sutherland presented “Relay for Life”
Relay for Life is a fundraising event for the American Cancer Society, see to watch a 4 minute video. There is an open house
for the Mountain View “Relay” February 5 at the YMCA from 6-7pm. Relay for Life in
Mountain View doubled in 2008 from 16 to the 32 teams. They would like to double again
in 2009.
The event will be held May 30-31 at Cuesta Park, see website for details. It is a 24 hour,
team relay composed of 12-20+ members to raise money for ACS. Mountain View is the
only pet friendly event in the area.
C. 2009 Budget Review
There will most likely be a shortfall in ad revenue from the newsletter in 2009. It was
determined that pending additional ad revenue, all 2009 newsletters will be four pages.
The additional newsletter distribution into Park Place will proceed and printing costs absorbed.
Other expense items will remain unchanged pending further review as needed.
Aaron sent a revised budget with an adjusted revenue figure on 1/8/09.
D. General Meeting, February 10 at the Adobe Building
HomeZ will be featured, other residential energy/conservation presenters are being sought.
Plans will be solidified at the SC meeting 2/9.
E. November08 minutes approved, December08 not available.
adjourn 9:05