Advertising Rates

OMVNA welcomes advertisements. The Newsletter is published four times per year. The deadline for payment (by check payable to OMVNA) is 14 days prior to publication, and the deadline for artwork (as a JPG file, 300 dpi) is 7 days prior to the publication date. See our Publications page for future publication dates. Ad rates are shown in the tables below.

OMVNA accepts all ads on a space-available basis, and our Association has limits on the total space devoted to ads in any particular issue which may mean that we do not have room for some ads, especially those submitted close to the deadline. Please note that if you purchase multiple insertions of your ad, you are purchasing insertions of exactly the same ad. No changes are possible unless the higher single-insertion price is paid. For all questions about advertising, please contact the advertising manager.

The Newsletter sometimes accepts full-page or multi-page inserts from community organizations, though not generally from commercial advertisers. Inserts are always considered on a case-by-case basis, and the price varies. Contact the editor to discuss details.

CLASSIFIED ADS  Brief classified ads are run on a space-available basis as a service to Old Mountain View residents only. The price is 50 cents per word with a maximum of 20 words. The same deadlines and payment terms apply.

Political ads regarding candidates may only advocate support of the candidate. No negative ads regarding candidates are allowed. However, ads in favor of the recall of an elected official are allowed.

2023 Price Per Insertion

Interior Display Ad

Column Inch Rate….$27

Column Width

1 Column Width ………… 2.38”

2 Column Width ………….. 4.9”

3 Column Width ………….. 7.5”

Height (in 1/2 Inch Increments)

Minimum …………………………..1“

Maximum ……………………….10”

Multiple Insertions

Column Inch Rate ……………………$23


Black and white high res pdf or jpg


Back Page Display Ad


1/4 Page ……………….. $225

3.5” W x 4.6” H

Multiple Insertions ………………..$191


1/2 Page ……………….. $450

7.5” W x 4.6” H

Multiple Insertions ………………..$382