Attendees: Noam Livnat, Aaron Grossman, Joan Karlin, Bruce Karney,
Shelly King, John Emery
1. Minton’s – There was a brief discussion regarding the letter of support the steering committed provided Prometheus. There are concerns about the proposal by Prometheus, and namely access and traffic concerns. The committee voted unanimously to have the Chair write the City Council expressing the Steering Committee’s thoughts regarding the proposed development, that letter will be published in the newsletter.
2. Summer Ice Cream Social – John had not made any progress wrt. planning the Social, but now it is less than 7 weeks away and work has begun in earnest.
3. Spring Bike Event – The event went very well but there is a hairpin turn on the new segment that may require adult supervision of younger bicyclists. There were approximately 30 participants. It was recommended the organizers write a quick review of the event, it’s organization, successes and pitfalls for the future reference.
4. Web – The new WordPress Upgrade is complete, success. Perhaps a couple folks might be interested in sharing the workload to help keep the site current and become versed as possible stand-ins should the need arise.
5, Mixer – Hugh Donagher is organizing a neighborhood mixer at the WIne Depot on 400 Villa. It is scheduled for July 29th, from 6:30 – 8:30 PM. It is currently featured on the front page of the web site,! Check it out!
6. Personal (steering committee) projects –
Shelly is organizing a “Renters Go Green” presentation at the Tied House, July 20th, at 7:00 PM. Again featured on the website,
check it out!
Bruce is marshalling support for High Speed Rail and a possible HSR
Station/stop in Mountain View.
John will be organizing the Ice Cream Social and packaging it for
Joan is brainstorming wrt. an analog portal for our non-digital neighbors.
Noam is researching commute alternatives, mainly with the VTA.
7. Treasury – Changed our mail delivery address to the Chamber of Commerce and thus received a $576 refund from UPS (provider of mail-address service). Voted to make a $100 contribution to the Chamber of Commerce in support of their special programs (e.g. Leadership MV)
8. CERT – Paul Goldstein is organizing the monthly radio checks. Still looking for a
few more volunteers, currently have 49 signed up.
9. Musings –
Thursday Night Live is starting, Lions will have a table and is willing to share space with the neighborhood. June Newsletter is imminent, next submission date is July 22, for the Summer Mixer and Ice Cream Social announcements.
AMENDED 07/13/09, 07/14/09, 07/15/09