Attendees: Noam Livnat, Joan Karlin, Bruce Karney, Ken Rosenberg,
Kim Copher, John Emery
Neighbors: Margaret & Paul Lansky, Kiko Lenio, Julia Ha, Deborah Lacy,
Dorothy Meier, Carol Bolster, Cheng Xu, Bob Trygg, Julie Lovins,
Paul Goldstein, Bill McCormack, Mary Helvey, Christine Watson, Robert Cox,
Alice de Guzman, Caroline McCormack
1. Minton’s – We had an energized discussion regarding the Prometheus plans to develop the Minton property and how it was received at a recent City Council meeting. Prometheus has been brandishing Steering Committee correspondence as a endorsement of their in-process plans. Concerns raised were not limited to housing density and the resultant effect on traffic patterns, the reality of mass transportation in the Bay Area, the potential effect of Moffett becoming a university, and a radical departure from City plans regarding housing density.
The Steering Committee will write a letter to the City Council to clarify any misrepresentation. Such correspondence will be available at OMNVA website,, as well as Steering Committee Agendas and Minutes.
2. Summer Ice Cream Social – The summer Ice Cream Social will be August 30th, from 1 to 3 PM. Kim detailed some ideas and outlined an enticing deal from John McAlister of Baskin Robbins. John is getting busy this week to contact the City Parks and other participants.
3. Newsletter Distribution – The Steering Committee authorized Julie Lovins discretion regarding printing costs, up to $100/newsletter, due to the schedule changes outlined. Many newsletter carriers have requested newsletters be dispersed on Wednesday instead of Thursday, so that they may clear their weekend schedule. Normal distribution was Thursday with the intended delivery over the following weekend. This change will be effective with the July newsletter, submissions end July 17. Secretary’s note: the Newsletter Page (Tab), off the home page, needs to be updated, it still has Velva as Editor, 2009 submission and distribution dates would be a nice inclusion as well.
AMENDED 08-10-09