OMVNA Steering Committee Minutes 08-10-09

Attendees: Kim Copher, Bruce Karney, Aaron Grossman Joan Karlin, Shelly King

1.    108 Bryant and BMR development next door – Neighbors from 108 Bryant discussed the
situation with the planned development of Below Market Rate Housing next door on the lot behind
the Tied House and the City Council’s unresponsiveness to their concerns. (I did not get their full
names and spelling for inclusion.) Neighbors concerns regarding the development seem to have
fallen by the wayside, leaving them with a bulldozed impression.

2.     Summer Ice Cream Social – Final details for the Ice Cream Social were hammered out, regarding
a sign-in table, ice cream tickets, electrical power and balloon entertainment.

3    New Business – Next month is September and time to start the nominating committee for next
year’s officers.

Adjourned 8:57

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