Tag Archives: newsletter delivery
Seeking Delivery Manager for the OMVNA Newsletter
The Steering Committee is seeking one or more volunteers to manage the distribution of the Newsletter in 2010. The main duties are to pick up the newsletters from the printer, count them into bundles, and deliver them to the carriers … Continue reading
Hats Off to All of Our Newslettter Volunteers
by Julie Lovins It takes a small village to get this newsletter to you. During 2008-9, these people have been part of the village: Jean Anderson, Tori Atwell, Olivia Bartlett, Pat Bennett, Eric Berglund, Brad and Kathy Bettman, Ronit Bryant, … Continue reading
I Want YOU to Deliver the Newsletter!
By Julie Lovins I must again ask for help in getting this newsletter to everyone in the neighborhood, eight times a year. Walking a delivery route is a quick (30-60 minutes), friend-making, health-giving volunteer opportunity that becomes a habit. We … Continue reading
Newsletter Begins Dis-tribution to Park Place Apartments
Beginning with this issue, we will distribute the OMVNA Newsletter to Park Place Apartments. This will add several hundred new readers and bring our total print run to 2700 per issue. We appreciate the support of Park Place’s management in … Continue reading
Are You New in the Neighborhood?
by Julie Lovins Old Mountain View is uniquely interesting and walk-able, offering unusual opportuni-ties to get to know your neigh-bors while enjoying the view and the exercise. Eight times a year, you can also provide an invaluable serv-ice to the … Continue reading