Hats Off to All of Our Newslettter Volunteers

by Julie Lovins

It takes a small village to get this newsletter to you. During 2008-9, these people have been part of the village:

Jean Anderson, Tori Atwell, Olivia Bartlett, Pat Bennett, Eric Berglund, Brad and Kathy Bettman, Ronit Bryant, June Casey, Joseph Cayot, Shue Han Chou, Kim Copher, Hugh Donagher, John Emery, Susan Enzmann, Donnie Foster, Peggy Goodman, Aaron Grossman, Megan Hanken, Ayelet Har, Jim Carroll Jones Jr., Linda Kannall, Ann Kapoun, Bruce Karney, Shelly King, Robin Kuborssy, Tim Lee, Rose Lesslie, Grace Leung, Noam Livnat, Julie Lovins, Susie Mader, David Machado, Kristen McGuire- Husky, Gretchen and Don McPhail, Jessica Millar, Jennifer and Russ Parman, Elisa Peters, Rita Pilkenton, Karl Pingle, Kathleen Podrasky, Carol and Allen Price, Jan Proceviat, Carol Pursifull, Rhonda Radcliff and Robert Mullenger, Becky Reyna, Ken Rosenberg, Larry Rosenberg, Jeff Segall, Jamil Shaikh, Lydia Sherrill, Monica Smith, Sara Valentine, Charlie Weigle, Shannon Wilson, Lisa Windes, Lorraine Wormald, Caroline McCormack Yarwood and Lauren Zuravleff.
Thanks also to the many spouses and children who helpd deliver newsletters but aren’t on the official list, and to the employees of Park Place Apartments, who are now delivering 490 newsletters to OMVNA residents there.

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