by Julie Lovins
Old Mountain View is uniquely interesting and walk-able, offering unusual opportuni-ties to get to know your neigh-bors while enjoying the view and the exercise.
Eight times a year, you can also provide an invaluable serv-ice to the community by delivering this newsletter to homes on a couple blocks of the neighbor-hood. Residents can sign up to do a trial run, be a “roving sub-stitute,” or deliver to the same area each time. If you’re out of town, you can ask for a substi-tute. We provide route maps, in-structions, and match you with a compatible route (for example, “stroller-friendly”). You don’t need to knock on doors, just put the newsletter in a stable place.
Each route is designed to take 40-60 minutes. Most people do them on the weekends, and your package will be delivered to your doorstep – you don’t even have to pick them up! Call 964-0368 for more information and to sign up.