Minutes of OMVNA Steering Committee meeting, Monday, December 14, 2020, 7:30PM, convened electronically (via Zoom, recorded).
Note: This was the annual “General” meeting, occupied mainly with election of next year’s Steering Committee and some annual summaries, rather than new Steering-Committee business. Item numbers below (as usual) show actual meeting topic sequence, adjusted from the advance agenda.
Present: Some 23 community members including regular SC and subcommittee members (Aaron Grossman representing CERT).
(1) Call to Order: Chair David Lewis. Meeting came to order 7:45PM.
(2) Call for Additional Agenda Items: Chair David Lewis. No additions.
(3) Approval of minutes from last meeting: Chair David Lewis and Secretary Max Hauser. Moved (Cox), 2nded (Shaikh), passed.
(4) Confirming next OMVNA meeting(s): Chair David Lewis. As decided last time, next regular SC meeting date to be Monday Jan. 25, 7:30PM, online; first 2021 Newsletter coming out Weds Feb. 3 (this issue tentatively online-only).
(5) Introduction to OMVNA Leadership Team and 2021 candidates: Chair David Lewis. There were no floor nominations. Nominating committee recommended election of the following candidates for SC and subcommittee posts:
Chair: David Lewis
Vice-Chair: Robert Cox
Secretary: Samantha Blewis
Treasurer: Larry Rush
Newsletter Editor: Susan Bickford
Community Liaison: Jamil Shaikh
At-Large: Larry Rosenberg, Lorraine Wormald
CERT: Sherril Brennan
Historical preservation: Jerry Steach
Parking: Robert Cox, Jamil Shaikh
(6) Election of OMVNA Leadership Team for 2021: Chair David Lewis. The nominating committee’s slate was accepted by acclamation with no dissentions from meeting participants.
(7) Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Larry Rush. Balance 24047.03; forecasts for 2021 are in the written report sent by email.
(8) OMVNA Year-In-Review: Chair David Lewis.
(9) OMVNA development issues for 2021: Vice Chair Robert Cox. With graphics presentation.
(10) Parking Update: Parking Subcommittee Chairs: Robert Cox and Jamil Shaikh.
(11) Downtown Committee Update: Community Liaison Jamil Shaikh. The city’s Downtown Committee (DTC) now meets by Zoom at 9AM on its monthly meeting dates; last meeting was in December, none planned for January, next to be Tues Feb 2.
(12) Historic Preservation Update: Historic Preservation Subcommittee Chair Jerry Steach. Praised efforts of Leadership Mountain View (LMV) toward preserving the Tied House and Chez-TJ properties.
(13) Web Site and Social Media Update and Call for Web Master/Mistress: Newsletter Advertising Chief Kristin Bailey. Website needs content contributions/contributors. Will follow up with brief online training meeting for interested SC members.
(14) Newsletter and OMVNAtalk Update: Newsletter Editor Susan Bickford. Newletter had two electronic and two paper editions in 2020. Grateful thanks to Kristin Bailey for completing Fall newsletter.
(15) Adjournment: Chair David Lewis. Meeting adjourned 9:20PM.
— Max Hauser, OMVNA Secretary 2016-2020.