Minutes — Dec. 14, 2020

Minutes of OMVNA Steering Committee meeting, Monday, December 14, 2020, 7:30PM, convened electronically (via Zoom, recorded).

Note:  This was the annual “General” meeting, occupied mainly with election of next year’s Steering Committee and some annual summaries, rather than new Steering-Committee business.  Item numbers below (as usual) show actual meeting topic sequence, adjusted from the advance agenda.  

Present:  Some 23 community members including regular SC and subcommittee members (Aaron Grossman representing CERT).

(1) Call to Order: Chair David Lewis.  Meeting came to order 7:45PM.   

(2) Call for Additional Agenda Items: Chair David Lewis.  No additions.

(3) Approval of minutes from last meeting: Chair David Lewis and Secretary Max Hauser.  Moved (Cox), 2nded (Shaikh), passed.

(4) Confirming next OMVNA meeting(s): Chair David Lewis.  As decided last time, next regular SC meeting date to be Monday Jan. 25, 7:30PM, online; first 2021 Newsletter coming out Weds Feb. 3 (this issue tentatively online-only).

(5) Introduction to OMVNA Leadership Team and 2021 candidates: Chair David Lewis.  There were no floor nominations.  Nominating committee recommended election of the following candidates for SC and subcommittee posts:

Chair:                   David Lewis

Vice-Chair:              Robert Cox

Secretary:               Samantha Blewis

Treasurer:               Larry Rush

Newsletter Editor:       Susan Bickford

Community Liaison:       Jamil Shaikh

At-Large:                Larry Rosenberg, Lorraine Wormald

CERT:                    Sherril Brennan

Historical preservation: Jerry Steach

Parking:                 Robert Cox, Jamil Shaikh

(6) Election of OMVNA Leadership Team for 2021: Chair David Lewis.  The nominating committee’s slate was accepted by acclamation with no dissentions from meeting participants.

(7) Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Larry Rush.  Balance 24047.03; forecasts for 2021 are in the written report sent by email.

(8) OMVNA Year-In-Review: Chair David Lewis.

(9) OMVNA development issues for 2021: Vice Chair Robert Cox.  With graphics presentation.

(10) Parking Update: Parking Subcommittee Chairs: Robert Cox and Jamil Shaikh.

(11) Downtown Committee Update: Community Liaison Jamil Shaikh.  The city’s Downtown Committee (DTC) now meets by Zoom at 9AM on its monthly meeting dates; last meeting was in December, none planned for January, next to be Tues Feb 2.

(12) Historic Preservation Update: Historic Preservation Subcommittee Chair Jerry Steach.  Praised efforts of Leadership Mountain View (LMV) toward preserving the Tied House and Chez-TJ properties.

(13) Web Site and Social Media Update and Call for Web Master/Mistress: Newsletter Advertising Chief Kristin Bailey.  Website needs content contributions/contributors.  Will follow up with brief online training meeting for interested SC members.

(14) Newsletter and OMVNAtalk Update: Newsletter Editor Susan Bickford.  Newletter had two electronic and two paper editions in 2020.  Grateful thanks to Kristin Bailey for completing Fall newsletter.

(15) Adjournment: Chair David Lewis.  Meeting adjourned 9:20PM.

— Max Hauser, OMVNA Secretary 2016-2020.

About Max Hauser

Resident with acknowledged food obsession, active in Bay Area food and wine organizations 30 years. Dining in downtown MV regularly for 20 years and occasionally for 10 years before that.
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