2020 Annual Meeting

The Old Mountain View Neighborhood Association (OMVNA) will have its annual general meeting and elections Monday, December 14, 2020 over Zoom. 

To attend the meeting, you should register through Zoom. Click on the link below to do that:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Many thanks to Newsletter Editor Susan Bickford, for setting this up!

All Old Mountain View residents and property owners who are 16 and older are invited to vote and attend.

The nominating committee is recommending the election of the following candidates.   

Chair:David Lewis
Vice-Chair:Robert Cox
Secretary:Samantha Blewis
Treasurer:Larry Rush
Community Liaison:Jamil Shaikh
Newsletter Editor:Susan Bickford
At Large:Larry Rosenberg & Lorraine Wormald
CERT:Sherril Brennan
Historical Preservation:Jerry Steach
Parking:Robert Cox and Jamil Shaikh

Other candidates may be nominated on election night from the floor. 

A quorum of neighborhood residents and/or property owners is required to vote in the election to certify the candidates, so please come and exercise your civic duty and vote in this election!  To accommodate those who cannot stay for the entire meeting, we will hold the election near the beginning of the meeting.

Also, please send my email any items of interest you would like to discuss at the annual meeting by Friday, December 4, at 5PM, so that I may include them on the agenda. 

We typically provide an overview of the years’ OMVNA activity, a review of neighborhood development projects, and a treasurer’s report at the annual meeting.

Looking forward to seeing many of you there, in our virtual forum!

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