Santa Clara County Covid-19 Neighborhood Ambassador

 To our Residents,

I’ve very recently been through a long training session with the Santa Clara County health staff on Covid-19, so I can act as an ambassador to the community on issues related to Covid-19, provide information about Covid-19 matters and sources of information and contacts, and combat disinformation about the disease and its treatments. I will have periodic additional training from the County to keep me current with the situation.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about Covid-19 and our response to it, or you can post queries on OMVNATalk2 or NextDoorOMV which I monitor and I will try to respond.

I will also post further updates from the County and State and other interesting information about our pandemic and measures to bring it to an end, as they become available or appear in the media.

David Lewis, Chair, OMVNA, Santa Clara County Neighborhood Ambassador

About David Lewis

Happily retired from a long career as a college professor/research scientist/research manager in materials science, mechanical engineering, high power lasers, high power microwave systems, now working on civic issues, gardening, flying RC models at RSA, and helping to raise grandchildren.
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