The City of Mountain View will hold a series of community outreach, Planning Commission, and city council meetings during the first quarter of 2025, relating to the R3 multifamily residential zoning update project.
The purpose of the R3 multifamily residential zoning update project is to provide more housing opportunities by up-zoning areas currently designated R3. The meetings this quarter will focus on selecting specific areas for specific zoning updates.
Here is a link to the city website on this project
Here is a schedule of key meetings this quarter:
February 3, 2025, 6:30 pm – Virtual presentation and Q&A regarding the project. Join at
February 19, 2025– Environmental Planning Commission Study Session to provide recommendations to the City Council on locations to increase densities and new densities.
March 25, 2025 – City Council Study Session to discuss locations to increase densities and new densities.
Feel free to contact me at if you have additional questions.
Robert Cox, OMVNA Chair