OMVNA Steering Committee Meeting April 25

To all Old Mountain View residents and property owners, 

The Old Mountain View Neighborhood Association (OMVNA) will hold its second regular steering committee meeting of 2022 this coming Monday, April 25, 2022, 7:30PM. 

All Old Mountain View residents and property owners are invited to attend. 

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, we will NOT be meeting at our regular location. We will instead hold a Zoom meeting.

To attend the meeting, you should register through Zoom. Click on the link below to do that: (Thanks to Newsletter Editor, Susan Bickford, for setting this up.)

In addition to our normal agenda items, we will:

  1. Have brief review of our Neighborhood Grant Proposal (David Lewis) and recent Chalk It Up to Spring and Egg Crawl Events (Kristin Bailey)
  2. Have a brief slide presentation on important development projects (Sobrato Office/Retail (Former Wells Fargo) and Castro Commons) and the parks initiative.
  3. Discuss the formation and funding of a social committee.

Please send me additional agenda items by Friday, April 22 at 5PM.  

Looking forward to seeing all attendees in this Zoom format.

— Robert Cox, OMVNA Vice-Chair

To attend the meeting, you should register through Zoom. Click on the link below to do that:

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