Minutes of OMVNA annual General Meeting, Monday, December 16, 2019, Assembly Room, Edith Landels School
A short summary (owing to the annual meeting’s review character, lacking Steering-Committee business actions).
Present: 23 community members including full SC and subcommittee complement.
1). Call to Order: Chair David Lewis. Meeting came to order 7:39PM.
2). Call for Additional Agenda Items: Chair David Lewis. No additional items.
3). Confirm time and place of next regular meeting: Chair David Lewis. January 27.
4). Introduction of OMVNA Leadership Team and Candidates: Chair David Lewis.
5). Election of OMVNA Leadership Team for 2020: Chair David Lewis. Acclamation moved/Bickford, 2nd/Hauser; passed unanimously.
6). Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Larry Rush. Balance $20585 shows net loss for year $2873, reflecting mainly postcard mailing ($1548) and delayed City grant ($1700). More detail in Treasurer’s email report.
7). OMVNA Year in Review: Chair David Lewis.
8). Development and Parking Update: Vice Chair Robert Cox.
9). Historic Preservation Update: Subcommittee Chair Jerry Steach.
10) Downtown Committee Update: Community Liaison Jamil Shaikh.
11) Newsletter and OMNVATalk Update: Newsletter Editor Susan Bickford.
12) Ice Cream Social Review: Lorraine Wormald. Essentially broke even, appx. $25 loss.
12a) CERT report: CERT chair Sherril Brennan. First annual “CERT Social” in September; “Solar Suitcase.”
13) Adjournment: Chair David Lewis.
— Max Hauser, OMVNA Secretary.