Minutes — December 16, 2019

Minutes of OMVNA annual General Meeting, Monday, December 16, 2019, Assembly Room, Edith Landels School

A short summary (owing to the annual meeting’s review character, lacking Steering-Committee business actions).

Present:  23 community members including full SC and subcommittee complement.

1).   Call to Order: Chair David Lewis.  Meeting came to order 7:39PM.

2).   Call for Additional Agenda Items: Chair David Lewis.  No additional items.

3).   Confirm time and place of next regular meeting:  Chair David Lewis.  January 27.

4).   Introduction of OMVNA Leadership Team and Candidates: Chair David Lewis.

5).   Election of OMVNA Leadership Team for 2020: Chair David Lewis.  Acclamation moved/Bickford, 2nd/Hauser; passed unanimously.

6).   Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Larry Rush.  Balance $20585 shows net loss for year $2873, reflecting mainly postcard mailing ($1548) and delayed City grant ($1700).  More detail in Treasurer’s email report.

7).   OMVNA Year in Review: Chair David Lewis.

8).   Development and Parking Update: Vice Chair Robert Cox.

9).   Historic Preservation Update: Subcommittee Chair Jerry Steach.

10)   Downtown Committee Update: Community Liaison Jamil Shaikh.

11)   Newsletter and OMNVATalk Update: Newsletter Editor Susan Bickford.

12)   Ice Cream Social Review: Lorraine Wormald.  Essentially broke even, appx. $25 loss.

12a)  CERT report:  CERT chair Sherril Brennan.  First annual “CERT Social” in September; “Solar Suitcase.”

13)   Adjournment: Chair David Lewis.

— Max Hauser, OMVNA Secretary.

About Max Hauser

Resident with acknowledged food obsession, active in Bay Area food and wine organizations 30 years. Dining in downtown MV regularly for 20 years and occasionally for 10 years before that.
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