From the Candidates: Diane Wang

Philosophy: I am for afford-able housing with practical, sus-tainable community and business development.

Mission Statement: As an elected council member, I will meet constituent needs, provide and improve basic services, maintain and improve upon an aging infrastructure and find the resources to attract new invest-ment and growth to reinvigorate your community. 

1) Affordable Housing: The city of Mountain View, like the bay area, has a lack of affordable housing and it must be addressed if we are to achieve a prosperous future for future generations. I am committed to ensuring af-fordable housing for the people of Mountain View. I would be committed to the principles of smart growth. 

2) Business Development: I would like to create a Commu-nity Action Team, to help attract private investment for high-impact community development projects. The Team’s job is to actively search for and help cre-ate public-private partnerships.

3) Youth Development: I am a strong advocate for youth pro-grams and healthy families. There are many ways to support positive after-school activities for area youngsters, from kin-dergarten through high school ages. I would be an advocate for strong programs that include tu-toring, recreation, enrichment, sports, community service and field trips.

4) Open Spaces: I believe that open spaces such as parks and trails are critical to our environment and our legacy to future generations. Parks preserve priceless landscapes and ecosystems, improve our health and fitness, enhance our quality of life and contribute to our economic growth.

I would like to see our residents have an unlimited vision for their future.  As an elected council member I will work toward the betterment of the city and its residents.

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