Statement of TOM MEANS, Candidate for Member, Mountain View City Council
Occupation: Director, Center for Economic Education, SJSU
Age: 55
Education and Qualifications: Ph.D. Economics UCLA, 1983, B.A. Economics UC Davis 1975
Mayor, City of Mountain View 2008,
City Council, City of Mountain View 2004-2008
The City of Mountain View’s mission is to provide quality services and facilities that meet the needs of a caring and diverse community in a financially responsible manner. As the current mayor, I have worked hard to fulfill this mission by maintaining the high level of public services expected by our residents. Our parks/open spaces, library, police/fire services, and streets/bike routes are second to none. Please visit my website for details.
A resident since 1981, and homeowner since 1986, my wife and I raised two sons that at-tended Mountain View public schools. My 27 years of service as an academic economist and community volunteer has helped me understand how to improve the quality of life for residents. I know how to evaluate and balance the tradeoffs that exist in decision-making, and how to create value in the public and private sector. As a faculty member and community leader, I know how to form a consensus with committee members to pro-duce results. With your support I will continue to work hard to maintain the quality of residen-tial and commercial life in Mountain View. Thank you.