From the Candidates: Alicia Crank

Dear Neighbor,

Thank you for considering me as one of your representatives on our City Council.  For as long as I’ve lived here, the community has been one of my top priorities.  From my service on the Human Relations Commission to serving on the Board of Directors for Mountain Viewbased nonprofit organizations, I love investing in the place that I call home.

My goals as your Councilmember are all about community investment and connection.  A shuttle that would initially serve Shoreline Blvd. for residents to enjoy Shoreline Park, the amphitheater and movie theater is long overdue and would make the area more accessible without getting into our cars.  Providing more guidance for our youth through the Police Activities League and Gang Task Force programs creates more community involvement and investment.  Employing green building practices in new and redevelopment leads to a cleaner, healthier environment for all of us.  Examining and reevaluating our City’s investment options in today’s economic turmoil, and making proactive changes that can result in a higher return on 

investment, will help us ensure and sustain the quality of city services we currently enjoy.

As your Councilmember, I will work hard to putting a “community first” focus on our neighborhoods while serving on Council.  From our preteens and working-age residents to our senior citizens, renters to homeowners, we can all work together to improve our public safety, affordable housing, recreation and sustainability opportunities.  Thank you for your support and your vote on November 4th.

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