Meeting Minutes Dec 12, 2022

Minutes of OMVNA Steering Committee General (Annual) Meeting
December 12, 2022 (via Zoom and recorded)
Corrected version – changes in blue from Robert Cox
Steering committee and subcommittee personnel: David Lewis, Robert Cox, Susan
Bickford, Larry Rush, Lorraine Wormald, Jerry Steach, Max Hauser, Kristin Bailey,
Maureen Blando
Community members: Kathleen Morales, Jamsheed Agahi, Mark Flator (sp?)., Yvonne
Saucedo, David Lin, Tony Morales, Shivika Nayyar, Nabeel Al-Shamma, Hala
Alshahwany, Sherril Brennan

  1. Call to order: Chair David Lewis. Meeting came to order at 7:34 PM.
  2. Call for additional agenda items: Chair David Lewis
    a. No additional items.
  3. Approval of minutes from last meeting: Secretary, Maureen Blando
    Motion to accept minutes of the Sept. 19, 2022, meeting: Robert Cox
    Second: Susan Bickford
  4. Confirming the time and place of the next OMVNA meeting: Chair David Lewis
    Next regular meeting: Jan. 30, 2023 via Zoom
    Agreed in Sept. 19, 2022 Meeting: Newsletter planned for Weds., Feb. 8, 2023
    from the printer; delivery Feb. 10-12
    1/17/2023: UPDATE: Via email it was agreed that the next regular OMVMA
    Steering Committee meeting will be held on Feb. 6, 2023 via Zoom due to a
    conflict with The Mountain View City Council will select Sally Lieber’s
    replacement on January 30, 2023.
  5. Current 2022 Steering Committee: Introduced by David Lewis

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Chair: David Lewis
Vice-Chair: Robert Cox
Secretary: Maureen Blando
Treasurer: Larry Rush
Community Liaison: Jamil Shaikh
Newsletter Editor: Susan Bickford
At Large: Max Hauser & Lorraine Wormald

  1. Election of OMVNA Leadership Team for 2023: Chair David Lewis
    Slate as follows:
    Chair: David Lewis
    Vice-Chair: Robert Cox
    Secretary: Jamsheed Agahi
    Treasurer: Larry Rush
    Community Liaison: Jamil Shaikh
    Newsletter Editor: Susan Bickford
    At Large: Max Hauser & Lorraine Wormald
    CERT Sherril Brennan
    Historical preservation Jerry Steach
    Parking Robert Cox and Jamil Shaikh
    Social Kristin Bailey
    Newsletter Advertising Shivika Nayyar
    Newsletter Distribution Lorraine Wormald
    Call for any other nominations from the floor. None.
    Slate was voted on via Zoom.
    Motion to approve slate: Max. Seconded.
    Slate was voted on and elected as above.
  2. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Larry Rush

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No major items.
$450 Income from ads.

  1. OMVNA and COVID Year-In-Review: Chair and COVID Ambassador David
    David Lewis provided an update on COVID. Omicron BQ.1.1 surge in Santa
    Clara County of COVID cases, likely to continue through the holidays. Hospital
    bed availability is good. We also have the Flu and RSV, which seems to be going
    Old Mountain View Update: State requirements present challenges; City plans to
    limit office building; pedestrian mall on Castro St. likely; more community events
    thanks to Kristin Bailey; significant rain of late. Discussion of the traffic signals
    turned back on at California and Castro. Some find the lights safer and some find
    it more dangerous. Discussed having MV PD join a meeting to discuss the
    decision and factors in turning the traffic lights on.
  2. OMVNA development issues for 2022: Vice Chair Robert Cox
    Top 10 Development issues for 2022 (Reverse Order)
  3. Tech layoffs and Office vacancies
    Facebook/Meta broke lease on San Antonio Center
    SJ 50% vacancy; SF 69% vacancy, highest of any major city in US
  4. Measure C Lawsuit Settled
    City must ensure that at least 3 miles of street segments are available for RV parking.
  5. Castro Commons
    Future of Gateway Park; whether to build on Hope St.
    On hold till 2022
  6. Council Approves Sobrato Offices – Old Wells Fargo Site
    Precise Plan Compliant Proposal – one outcome: need for specific precise plan language to
    protect heritage trees and more.
  7. No Parking Minimums for Buildings Near Transit
    CA Assy Bill 2097: Reduced parking space requirement near train station, any street with bus
    service. Marwood development will go back to city council with much less parking. Smith Realty

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will also go to council. Staff proposed 2-year moratorium on large office construction. Several
council members who live nearby will have to recuse.

  1. Staff Reveals New R3 Rezoning Plan
    4-5 story buildings of various styles. Will come back to council in 2023.

4 Castro Pedestrian Mall Moves Forward

Council gives staff permission to create interim plan.

3 Downtown Precise Plan 2

Phase I bans ground floor office throughout most of Castro St from Evelyn to California and some
side streets. Phase 2 will consider area south of Castro St.

2 City Council Incumbents Re-elected: Ramirez, Kamei, and Hicks

1 Housing Element Nears Completion

CA requires MV to zone to build 11,135 new housing units from 2023 to 2031. Final plan must be
approved by Jan. 31, 2023. Must have approved plan to avoid “builders’ remedy.”

  1. Downtown Committee Update: Community Liaison, Jamil Shaikh
    Met on Zoom on 12/6/22. Topics: Busking and music in downtown and cleanliness of
    downtown. Development update – no major update but discussed vacant storefronts. 12
    12/8/22: Historic preservation ordinance. Two committee members left, two new ones
    joined. Next meeting in-person on Feb. 7, 2023.
    Discussion of vacancy tax (1%) and discussion as to whether OMVNA should push
    council to initiate it. Some owners of vacant properties consider them as investments
    and pay taxes but have no intention to lease or improve them. This leads to dead spots
    on Castro St. Tabled for future discussion.
    11.Parking Update: Parking Co-Chairs, Robert Cox and Jamil Shaikh
    Robert Cox: Issue is sorting out how to deal with new state issue of reduced parking
    requirements and implications to the downtown residential neighborhood.
  2. Historic Preservation Update: Historic Preservation Subcommittee Chair, Jerry

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No new major issues. Tied House building now occupied by Legal Zoom, online legal
advice company with 11 offices, not their HQ. Jerry got a tour of how they are using the
building. Was pleased to see Old Tied House sign is lighting the breakroom.

  1. OMVNA Social Year in Review: Social Chair Kristin Bailey
    Created April 2022. Variety of Eventor events. 14 team members. Has 9 events from
    April to Dec. 2022. 890 people served. Total expenses $2,390.52. Total deficit $1853.52
    ($537.00 income from ice cream social). Revised Block Party Grants and developed
    Block Party Support (resources)
    Kristin will submit a proposal for 2023 budget at January meeting.
    (13) Newsletter and OMVNAtalk Update: Newsletter Editor Susan Bickford
    Newsletter income was about breakeven this year. Usually a surplus of funds. City
    Council race was not as active. There were no challenges until late in the election cycle.
    Shivika Nayyar is joining to manage newsletter advertising.
    Discussed whether we should publish articles in Spanish in the newsletter. No actions.
    (14) Adjournment: Chair David Lewis at 8:59 PM.
  • Submitted by Secretary, Maureen Blando
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