My Thanks to Contributors!
I have to say that I was blown away by the offers to contribute an article. A BIG THANKS to this issue’s contributors:
Aaron Grossman
Alex Lew
Amberlin Wu
Anthony Chang
Hugh Donagher, III
Laura Lewis
Max Hauser
Let’s keep it rolling! I’m looking for contributors for our next issue, with copy due on March 1. For wordcount, figure about 250-400 words (roughly 1-2 columns), but more or less copy is welcome.
All viewpoints are welcome.
Please contact me directly at and we can brainstorm ideas. I’ll also put a number of ideas on the website at
Check Out the Web
We’ve put all of the articles in the newsletter on Your comments are welcome! (as long as they’re civil). Thanks to Shelly King for her continued work on the website.
Thanks to Delivery Network
There’s other ways to assist without writing, and we’re still looking for a Delivery Coordinator as well as folks who are willing to do a delivery route. Thanks to Julie Lovins who has managed this function for over 15 years, and to all of our distributors, a big thanks!
Thanks to our Graphic Artist
Noticed anything different about this issue? It’s due to Melanie Kaye. Many thanks for the layout of the print version.
Deb Keller
OMVNA Newletter Editor