Letter from the Chair

by Laura Lewis

Most of you probably saw the MV Voice article on the improvements in Mountain View school test scores.  What was not mentioned in that article is that our very own Landels Elementary School made huge strides in its test scores, bettering their 2008 result by 29 points with an average API score of 825 (out of a possible 1000).  Landels also won the California Distinguished School award which honors those schools that have demonstrated educational excellence for all students and helped narrow the achievement gap that exists in certain student populations because of background, condition, or circumstances.  When compared to schools with similarly diverse student population Landels was among the best in the state (GreatSchools.net ranked Landels as a 9 out of 10 for quality and test scores among such schools).   I’d like to offer my congratulations to the students, teachers, parents, administrators and volunteers that contributed to this success.

On another note, two great events will return for the summer in the coming weeks.  Thursday Night Live offers music and fun in Pioneer Park on the following Thursdays between 6:30-8:00 PM: July 8, July 22, Aug 5, and Aug 19.  Also, Children’s Theater in the Park will run June 25 through August 13 Fridays at 6:30 pm.  So bring a picnic and enjoy these outstanding free events.  More information on both events can be found at http://mountainviewdowntown.com.

Lastly, I wanted to remind everyone that we are gearing up for election season, both for three City Council seats as well as the OMVNA Steering Committee.  In the coming months we will be forming a Nominating Committee which will subsequently begin its search for those interested in serving the neighborhood.  I encourage you all to consider serving either on the Nominating Committee or the Steering Committee.  Those interested in receiving more information about these positions can contact me at Chair@OMVNA.org.

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