July Steering Committee Meeting

To all Old Mountain View residents and property owners, 

The Old Mountain View Neighborhood Association (OMVNA) will hold its third “regular” steering committee meeting of 2020 on Monday, July 27, 2020, 7:30PM. 

All Old Mountain View residents and property owners are invited to attend. 

In addition to our regular items, we will have:

  1. Brainstorming for a COVID-19 health-conscious family-oriented event to substitute for the Ice Cream Social this year.
  2. Establish a nominating committee to nominate OMVNA steering committee members for the 2021 calendar year.
  3. Discuss what kind of council candidate forum we would like to run this year.

Please send me additional agenda items at robert.cox@intel.com by Friday, July 24, at 5:00PM

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, we will NOT be meeting at our regular location. We will instead hold a zoom meeting.

You will need to register for the meeting in advance.

Looking forward to seeing all attendees in this special COVID-19 format.

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