Minutes — July 27, 2020

Minutes of OMVNA Steering Committee meeting, Monday, July 27, 2020, 7:30PM, convened electronically (via Zoom).

Present:  Regular SC and subcommittee personnel, Aaron Grossman for CERT chair Sherril Brennan; several community members.

(1) Call to order: Chair David Lewis.  Meeting came to order 7:38PM.

(2) Call for additional agenda items: Chair David Lewis.  No additions.

(3) Approval of minutes from last meeting: Chair David Lewis and Secretary Max Hauser.  Moved (Bickford), 2nd (Cox), passed.

(4) Confirming time and place of next OMVNA meeting(s): Chair David Lewis.  Still Sept 28 (as tentatively scheduled early in 2020).

(5) CERT update: Aaron Grossman for CERT chair Sherril Brennan.  Cleaning roster of obsolete entries.  Protective mask supply acquired for CERT personnel.

(6) Establishing nominating committee for OMVNA steering committee elections: Vice Chair Robert Cox.  By By-Laws, _head_ of nom. comm. must be a non-candidate; customarily, none of that committee are candidates.  Note also, the “Annual” (election) meeting itself needs scheduling.  In quick check, all current SC members tentatively are willing to return.  J. Steach to initiate the nominating committee, and recruit others to it: Moved (Cox), 2nd (Bickford), passed.    Kristin Bailey suggested reaching out for a regular “communications” person (i.e., website, recently reworked and updated) — a volunteer position.  Jerry Steach will work with Kristin offline about this.

(7) Brainstorming for a COVID-19 health-conscious family-oriented event to substitute for the Ice Cream Social this year: Ice Cream Social Chair Lorraine Wormald.  Kristin Bailey, Lorraine, and Sam Blewis have been reviewing ideas for ICS alternatives in this pandemic Summer.  Kristin previewed some by screen sharing.  The August Newsletter (once again online-only) will have a section on this.

(8) Discuss what kind of council candidate forum to run this year, and form a subcommittee: Vice Chair Robert Cox.  S. Bickford suggested ways to do a Zoom meeting, with some moderate participant limit (say, 20 or so), then post recording to YouTube for wider viewing.  (Susan’s “Pro” Zoom account has an upper limit of 100 participants.)  R. Cox solicited volunteers for a subcommittee; S. Bickford suggested recruit via OMVNAtalk[2]; R. Cox will follow up.

(9) Steering Committee/Subcommittee Chair member reports

           (a)   Chair David Lewis

           (b)   Vice Chair Robert Cox

           (c)   Secretary Max Hauser.  Past-meeting minutes are available (contact me); moving toward having all of them on the website.

           (d)   Treasurer Larry Rush.  Treasury balance $23893.82

           (e)   Downtown Committee Jamil Shaikh.  Short DTC meeting done via Zoom.

           (f)   Newsletter: Susan Bickford.  Effect on Newsletter advertising of temporary electronic-only publication is unclear; “no complaints yet;” duration of the

                   electronic-only versions remains unclear.  Susan contemplating possible credit or discount to long-time regular advertisers, going forward.

           (g)   At Large: Larry Rosenberg and Lorraine Wormald

           (h)   Historic Preservation: Jerry Steach.  Note nine more SB50-style bills now pending in Sacramento; Jerry has article in coming Newsletter.

           (i)   Parking: Robert Cox & Jamil Shaikh

Adjournment:  Chair David Lewis.  Meeting adjourned 8:35PM.

— Max Hauser, OMVNA Secretary.

About Max Hauser

Resident with acknowledged food obsession, active in Bay Area food and wine organizations 30 years. Dining in downtown MV regularly for 20 years and occasionally for 10 years before that.
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