From the Candidates: Mike Kasperzak

My name is Mike Kasperzak, and I am running for one of four seats on the Mountain View City Council this November.  If my name sounds familiar, it’s because I’ve served as Mayor and as a member of the City Council in the past.  I am running again because I am more passionate than ever about what our City has to offer those who live and work here.  At the same time, my years spent off the Council have given me a fresh perspective on the issues our City faces and provided me with insight into new ways to address them.

I will work to keep our City safe and secure, find innovative ways of addressing the severe lack of affordable workforce housing that exists in Mountain View, create a new community park where it’s needed most and ensure that ours remains one of the most financially secure cities in America.

With your help, we can be sure that Mountain View is a town we can all be proud of: one that cherishes and celebrates its diversity; is home to innovative, entrepreneurial companies, and has an incomparable quality of life.

Last on the ballot, First in experience!

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