Our next newsletter will come out in early May AND it will be on paper (as well as online) and HAND DELIVERED TO YOUR DOORSTEP!
Due date for articles is: Tuesday, April 20
The number of people who have been contributing articles, pictures, notices… has been going up over time. Please consider joining your neighbors in sharing a short piece.
Because we are constrained by 8 pages, I have to be more strict out word limits.
50-100 words for an announcement or short article. I love these because there are always places where I can use them.
300 words is about 1 column.
~400 words is a longish article.
500+ words is long and we don’t have room for many of those. Check with me first if you have a long article in mind.
Topics should be things that apply to OMV in particular and MV in general. Profiles of local events, businesses, service organizations, etc. are good.
And we are finally starting to poke our heads out just a little bit. What are you doing that gives you joy and optimism? Send to me directly and I’ll make a list.
Photos and pictures welcome.