Bylaws Proposed for April 19 Vote

All proposed amendments shown here have been proposed and seconded at a previous General Meeting.  Each proposed amendments will be voting on individually and must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at the April 19 General Meeting.  A full copy of the bylaws is available at and on the community board at the Library on Franklin Street.  You may also receive a copy of the bylaws by sending a self-stamped envelope to the address on the cover of this newsletter.
1. Proposed by Ed Swierk
Split Article I Purpose point 3 into two points:
“OMVNA will seek to – Provide a forum for residents to discuss issues related to the neighborhood and to build consensus where possible.
– Act as a liaison between neighborhood residents and the City of Mountain View or other decision makers, communicating the wishes and grievances of residents while remaining neutral on issues where there is no apparent consensus.”
2. Proposed by Ed Swierk
Delete Article IX Meetings point 1 subpoint 1
“The meeting at which the Steering Committee is elected shall be held in September or October.”
Add a new point to Article VII:
“Elections in 2009 and prior years that occurred outside the months of September or October are valid if they otherwise complied with the by-laws then in effect.”
3. Proposed by Mike Reiche
Article III Steering Committee Members point 6 subpoint 1  Add a new point
“Any written communications with governments with the intention of expression the opinion of OMVNA must be distributed to all members in writing not less than seven days and not more than fifty days prior to the date of the General Meeting and must be approved by a majority vote at the General Meeting before being sent.”
4. Proposed by Robert Cox
Add additional bullets to Article VI Nominations for Steering Committee Members and Subcomittee Chairs following paragraphs 1-4
“Any person desiring to have his name included on the ballot for any OMVNA Steering Committee position shall submit an application in writing to the Nominating Committee no later than four weeks before the election.  The application shall include the person’s name and address and the position that he/she is seeking, and will indicate that he meets the following criteria.  The nominating Committee will certify any person meeting these criteria for inclusion on the ballot for the position that he/she seeks.
1.  Is a resident of Old Mountain View neighborhood
2. Is 18 years of age of older
3. Is eligible to vote in the OMVNA election
4. Would not otherwise be disqualified from voting in an election for Mountain View City Council due to a criminal record”
5. Proposed by Robert Cox
Add additional bullets to Article VI Nominations for Steering Committee Members and Subcomittee Chairs following paragraphs 1-4
“No person shall be prohibited from having his name included on the ballot of an OMVNA election based on any other criteria including race, age, gender, country of national origin, religion, sexual preference, office held in this or any other organization, location of residence within the Old Mountain View neighborhood, or whether he/she owns or rents the property where he/she lives.”
6. Proposed by Robert Cox
Add additional bullets to Article VI Nominations for Steering Committee Members and Subcomittee Chairs following paragraphs 1-4
“A sample ballot shall be available for review by any qualified voter in both electronic and hard copy formats no later than two weeks before the election.”
7. Proposed by Robert Cox
Add additional bullets to Article VI Nominations for Steering Committee Members and Subcomittee Chairs following paragraphs 1-4
“In the event of a contested position a vote counter will be selected by the Chair of the Nominating Committee.  Each candidate will have the option to appoint an observer of the vote counting process.  Vote counting will proceed by Robert’s Rules of Order.”
8. Proposed by Carter Coleman
Add additional bullet to Article III Steering Committee Members, following paragraph 10
“Whenever a Steering Committee member has a financial or personal interest regarding purchasing decisions coming before the Committee, the affected person shall a) fully disclose the nature of the interest and b) withdraw from discussion, lobbying and voting on the matter.  Any transaction or vote involving a potential conflict of interest shall be approved only when a majority of disinterested officers determine that it is in the best interest of the Neighborhood Association to do so.  The minutes of meetings at which such votes are taken shall record such disclosure, abstention and rational for approving.”
9. Proposed by Julie Lovins
Delete the second sentence from Article VII Election of Officers point 2
“Those individuals elected to the Steering Committee in the fall of 2003 shall serve as officers from November 1, 2003, until December 31, 2004.”

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