Proposed Amendments
Article I.3:
– Act as a liaison between neighborhood residents and the City of Mountain View or other decision makers, communicating the wishes and grievances of residents while remaining neutral on issues where there is no apparent consensus.”
Add new subpoint to Article I:
– Provide a forum for residents to discuss issues related to the neighborhood and to build consensus where possible.
Article III.6.1: Add new point
Any written communication with governments with the intention of expressing the opinion of OMVNA must be distributed to all members in writing not less than seven days and not more than fifty days prior to the date of the general meeting and must be approved by a majority vote at the general meeting before being sent.
Article VII
Add a new point to Article VII: Elections in 2009 and prior years that occurred outside the months of September or October are valid if they otherwise complied with the by-laws then in effect.
Article IX.1.1
Delete Article IX.1.1: (The meeting at which the Steering Committee is elected shall be held in September or October.)