by Carter Coleman
Newsletter Content more than doubled over 2009 with a total of 84 pages. Both sides of issues were encouraged to voice their opinion, and no contributor was turned away. Twenty neighbors contributed articles.
Ad Revenue Ads were actively solicited throughout 2010. Number of advertisers was up 12, with 17 advertisers generating $8133, which covered printing costs of $7981 and postage costs of $83.
Website The website was revamped with a new template and was kept up to date with all articles from the newsletter as well as downloadable pdfs. Also on the website, we added a polling feature to capture opinion.
Social Activities Neighborhood social activities were ramped up, and we promoted mixers in the newsletter and on the website including Xanh, Sakoon, Savvy Cellars, Zucca’s Sunday brunch, Tied House, Bushido, and dancing at Alberto’s.
Ice Cream Social Stats 600+ scoops of ice cream, 400 water toss balloons, 200+ balloon animals, 200 tattoos, and a very popular PitchBlast machine (with 200+ huge water balloons). The event came in on budget.
Meetings We held three General Meetings in 2010, including a presentation by Classic Communities, a Candidate Forum, and the December 6 Steering Committee elections.
CERT Funding was increased with 2010 expenditures totalling $956.
Tax Issues We applied and were approved for federal non-profit tax status, which means we are no longer liable for federal taxes. This status also facilitates filing.
Bottom Line The current estimate for the bank balance at the end of 2010 is $10,822 (normalized for back page ad revenue based on eight issues in 2011), a net decrease of $1069.