1. Chair David Lewis – call to order
Abbreviation of names:
SB – Susan Bickford
KB – Kristin Bailey
RC – Robert Cox
SN – Shivika Nayyar
CT – Carola Thompson
LW – Lorraine Wormald
MH – Max Hausner
DV – Deborah Vasquez
2. Call for additional agenda items: Chair David Lewis
3. Approval of minutes from last meeting: Former Secretary Jamsheed Agahi or Current Secretary Deborah Vasquez
4. Confirming time and place of next OMVNA steering committee meeting:
– Newsletter will be on May 1st
– April 29th will be next meeting on Zoom, easier and can include more members online
5. Introduction to and voting on amendments to the bylaws:
– SB moved to accept the bylaws
– 20 voted to agree
6. Review and approve Social Committee Eventors budget:
– KB said it costs around $306.00/event for around $4,200 total, there were around 5-6 events
– Prices were for permit, supplies, and insurance for ice cream social
7. Review and approve website budget and request for Webmaster:
– KB said new website would be super complicated and it’s on wordpress at this time, it works but not amazing
– RC said it’s very hard role to fill for webmaster, will try to post to neighborhood OMVNA talk, need someone with talent and big heart
– SN asked how many hours for the webmaster and wordpress is a bit difficult
– SB said around 10 hours per month estimation
– RC moved to approve the budget of $254.85 and it passed everyone agreed
8. Help Ava’s Outreach and Budget Request:
– DV said 2/9 Invite Wine and Food Pairing Party at Ava’s – “A Taste of Love at Ava’s” 6-8pm
Other Ways to help?:
– Write a heart to support Juan at his store, paste on his window to make his event attractive and increase storefront visibility
– Enter Valentine’s Day drawing basket raffle
– RC said Juan maybe has more “I love Ava’s” signs
– SN said way to support is to also use his Ava’s bags, $2.00 each and good quality
– SB said too late to include this in the upcoming newsletter, will put a byline on who to contact to help
– Will probably put the event on OMVNA talk to encourage residents to go
– SB moved to reimburse Deborah ($93.84) for Ava’s Poster, 1 abstained – reason have to do it in a more planned way.
– Will follow up in a email offline with eventors event – Kristin, Deborah and Carola can meet up
– CT said would be good to set aside $2-400 dollars to help Ava’s with signage
9. Steering Committee/Subcommittee Chair Member Reports
a) Chair: David Lewis –
Julie Q hair salon closed.
b) Vice Chair: Robert Cox –
On 25th there is a Zoom on homelessness strategy for the City of Mtn View which they take seriously. Consider attending and giving input. Need to register.
c) Secretary: Deborah Vasquez –
Help Kristin with the fallen signs, adopt a sign if you can see it on a map. It’s difficult for one person to manage all. KB said she will send the map around and there will be a more formal sign up. KB said please pick up if you see and let her know if they are damaged or ripped.
d) Treasurer: Carola Thompson –
New bank account, debit card arrived. Sent a check for insurance for Ice Cream social with a replacement check. Currently looking at Venmo and opportunities for earning interest.
SB – Venmo is not a great platform because it is also a social platform. However, use more for the convenience factor.
SN – Zelle gets interest and can go direct into bank account
CT – Zelle may have security concerns, but will look more into it
Jamil – put stop note on previous insurance check if audited
CT – That account for that check is closed so no worries
CT – Closing balance for this month is $24,005.23
e) Downtown Committee Jamil Shaikh
2/6 8am in person meeting
f) Newsletter Susan Bickford
– Young people being involved in the newsletter, great to see! Many more articles are being written.
– Will send a note about the Valentine’s section to everyone
– Spanish translation would be good idea
g) At large Lorrain Wormald and Max Hausner
– LW Short 6-8 carriers for newsletter delivery
– MH Propose Move off Network Solutions, save $70.00 will discuss with Treasurer
h) Historic Preservation: Jerry Steach
1-300 block of Castro St – read about it in the newsletter
i) Parking – Robert Cox and Jamil Shaikh
Parking issues – only 3 people on the parking team. Put in OMVNA talk to encourage more people to join.
j) Social – Kristin Bailey
Plan all events going forward
– take into account school and city events for timing of events
– announce events in next newsletter