OMVNA’s Letter about Minton’s Redevelopment

By Noam Livnat

I would like to clear up some confusion about an action that the Steering Committee took in January regarding the Eaton family’s plans to build rental residences on the property now used for the hardware store and lumberyard.  The Steering Committee has not endorsed or opposed the project.  We simply voted to support having City staff examine the proposal.  The letter I wrote to the City Council on January 21 is copied below.

I would like to communicate to you Old Mountain View Neigh-borhood Association’s support for

Prometheus Real Estate Group’s Gatekeeper application for the proposed apartment development on the site of Minton’s Lumber property at 455 W. Evelyn Ave.

Our Steering Committee met with Prometheus representatives and discussed schematic plans for the development. While many details still need to be fleshed out, discussed, and evaluated, we believe that the proposed project can benefit our city and neigh-borhood and certainly merits a full evaluation by City staff accompanied by participation and input from residents.

We look forward to learning more about the project’s details and to participating in its evaluation process.

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