Minutes — Jan 24, 2022

Minutes of OMVNA Steering Committee Meeting January 24, 2022 (via Zoom and recorded)

Steering committee and subcommittee personnel: David Lewis, Robert Cox, Susan Bickford, Larry Rush, Jamil Shaikh, Lorraine Wormald, Jerry Steach, Max Hauser, Annette Nielsen, Roberto Miller, Sherril Brennan, Kristin Bailey, Seema Quon
Community members: Maureen Blando, Nancy Stuhr, Aaron Grossman, Dan Kim, Forrest Thiessen, Patrick Gaver Sabine Rohe

Call to order: Chair David Lewis. Meeting came to order at 7:34 PM.
Call for additional agenda items by Chair David Lewis: None Approval of minutes from last meeting: Secretary Annette Nielsen With a motion and second by Susan Bickford and Jamil Shaikh, the minutes of the December 13, 2021, meeting were approved. CERT update—CERT Chair Sherril Brennan or representative: Past Chair of CERT, Aaron Grossman, discussed the trailer at Fairmont Park. The trailer houses a moving dolly, telescoping ladder, and other items, and it has been in Aaron’s name since 2002. The trailer actually belongs to OMVNA, not CERT. Aaron proposes a transfer of the trailer back to OMNVA for $1.00. David will work on this with Aaron, will check on liability problem, and will report back as an agenda item for next meeting. CERT grants from Mountain View for 2021-22 are $600-800. CERT plans for a disaster command post at Fairmont Park where trailer currently located.

Confirming the time and place of the next OMVNA meeting(s)— Chair David Lewis: April 25 is the date for the next meeting. The content for the next OMVNA Newsletter will be due April 19 or 20 for a May 4 publication. Announcement of the Castro/Fairmont (and maybe Hope) project Zoom meeting—Vice Chair Robert Cox: There will be a meeting on January 31 at 7:30 pm with options for both in-person and Zoom participation to discuss the 7-story condo building and other buildings’ placements. Bill Maston will be the main presenter. A second meeting will be held at a later date to discuss the architecture for the project.

Presentation and discussion on Castro/Fairmont project in regard to the Gateway Park by advocate Roberto Miller: Roberto presented a brief history: the first center of Mountain View was located at El Camino Real and Grant Road and was relocated to ECR and Castro, where a sign marked the gateway from 1920 until 1964. There is a call-to-action to revitalize the gateway like Redwood City and Sunnyvale (Murphy Street) have done. roberto@puregrain.com
(8) Steering Committee/Subcommittee Chair member reports:
    •Chair David Lewis—no additional
    •Vice Chair Robert Cox—no additional
   •Secretary Annette Nielsen—none
    •Treasurer Larry Rush: David added that more money should be coming from the City, which would increase the listed balance. OMVNA financials from 2013 to the present are currently stored on Larry’s PC and the cloud. Kristin asked if the Steering Committee would want these posted on the OMVNA website? This item should be added to the next meeting’s agenda for discussion.
  •Downtown Committee Jamil Shaikh: There was no DTC meeting in
January, but Jamil volunteered as an ambassador at the downtown parking lots to welcome visitors and remind them not to leave valuables in their cars in order to cut down on car break-ins.
    •Newsletter Susan Bickford:

  • Susan introduced Seema Quon who reported on advertising for 2022 publications: There are 8 renewal ads for all four 2022 issues—$4,480 (all but $184 check). There is one new ad from a previous advertiser, Dave Keefe.
  • Since this is an election year, the Fall issue should be 12 pages with smaller candidate ads.
  • Planned content for February issue: Fire & Police; CA Street specialty bodega (by Carol Lewis & Susan); artist profile on artist who did the City Hall sculptor (by Don McPhail); Robert’s “What’s Up?”; Calderon Speed Limits (Suzanne Martinez); airplane noise (Robert Holbrook); Chair statement and Covid test kits (David Lewis); maybe Valentines but the issue so full with other content—4,500 words. Dave Keefe has about a 1/3-page ad, but Susan reluctant to give up content on the inside.
  • May issue: maybe on Old MV water sources—different from other MV neighborhoods; topiary cutting MV logo
  • Lorrie asked for the newsletter schedule for remaining issues to inform her carriers. Susan replied: May 4, Aug 3, Oct 5
        •At Large—Lorraine Wormald and Max Hauser: Lorrie reported that some carrier routes are still vacant—apartment complex deliveries are difficult. Max said no restaurant news.
        •Historic Preservation Jerry Steach: nothing to report
        •Parking Robert Cox & Jamil Shaikh: Council member Ellen Kamei is interested in what OMVN thinks of proposal for parking. (Robert noted that she is running for re-election.)
  • (9) There was a request to place the Ice Cream Social on next
  • meeting’s agenda.
  • (10) Adjournment—Chair David Lewis: Meeting adjourned at
  • 8:31 PM.
  • Respectfully submitted by Annette Nielsen, OMVNA Secretary
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