Letter from the Chair

by David Lewis, OMVNA Chair

Thanks to everyone who voted in our recent elections. The new OMVNA Steering Committee members are:

  • David Lewis, Chair
  • Robert Cox, Vice Chair
  • Manny Ramirez, Treasurer
  • Shannon Madison, Secretary
  • Carter Coleman, Community Liaison
  • Aaron Grossman, CERT
  • Sally Porush, Newsletter Editor
  • Ricardo Gonzalez, At-Large
  • Kathleen Sullivan, At-Large

Happy New OMVNA Year! What are plans for OMVNA 2012?
Last year we had a mixer at Scratch, a mixer/wine tasting at Artisan Wine Depot, a summer block/neighborhood party–OMVNAFest, and the Ice Cream Social, and OMVNA produced several video productions for KMVT community TV. First, as this is an election year for several City Council positions, we plan coverage of candidates in subsequent
newsletters, on OMVNAtalk, and with interviews on KMVT 15, public access TV. We will also keep you informed of development projects and other events that will impact our
community. We are planning mixers social gatherings at local restaurants where neighbors can meet throughout the year to discuss issues and sample the cuisine of our great local restaurants. We expect to repeat the Ice Cream Social, a tradition for over a decade and an OMNVA get-together for families; children are the focal point here! We may have a summer solstice version of the New Year’s Eve Movable Feast Affair we had in 2010, with probably better weather for the summer solstice. Of course, we always want to hear your suggestions and concerns, and we can always put volunteers to work where needed, so contact a Steering Committee Member or attend a Steering Committee meeting if you wish to express your views and concerns. The newsletter calendar has dates for meetings as does our web site, and there are reminders on OMVNATalk. I’d like to end this column by encouraging you to use OMVNATalk, our online chat room where you can post items for sale, inform our residents and your neighbors about such things as lost items, school events, traffic problems or other concerns relative to OMVNA.

Simply join the Yahoo group to participate in OMVNATalk (a painless procedure); the OMVNA website, www.OMVNA.org, has a link to OMVNATalk where you can sign up.
One of the major benefits of OMVNA is to have an engaged community where we inform each other, discuss things with each other, solve neighborhood problems together, and attempt to present the concerns of our residents to our City government as a neighborhood.


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