Clarifying OMVNA’s Position on Minton Project

At its Nov. 9 meeting, the OMVNA Steering Committee unanimously adopted a motion by Bruce Karney to have OMNVA Chair Noam Livnat send a letter to the City Council clarifying the Committee’s position on the proposal by Prometheus to build an apartment complex on the property owned by the Eaton family where Minton’s is now located.  The resolution was drafted by Robert Cox.  The letter reads:

“The steering committee of the Old Mountain View Neighborhood Association, having reviewed the Prometheus Corporation’s current plans for the Minton property in detail, has concluded that there is no consensus within the neighborhood regarding the current project plans.  We therefore take no position on the plans.  Furthermore, no past statements from the steering committee should be considered by the city government or Prometheus Corporation as constituting current support for this proposal.

“We encourage each resident and homeowner of Old Mountain View to take the opportunity to learn about the plans for the development of the Minton property and form his or her own educated opinion on the subject.”

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