Tag Archives: Critter Column
Critter Column: Robins
by Jack Perkins Robins are the proverbial “early bird”. The Robin has to get up early to catch the worm. The worms in our lawns only come out at night. Ever notice them on the sidewalk while you’re out for … Continue reading
Critter Column: Skippers
by Jack Perkins Skippers are very common, orange and tawny colored, inch long butterfly-like creatures. They are not true butterflies but lie somewhere between butterfly and moth; mostly leaning towards butterfly. There are over 3500 species world-wide and are doing … Continue reading
Critter Column: Big Bird
by Jack Perkins The Great Blue Heron (or in birdwatcher fieldspeak, GBH), frequents our neighborhood. This bird stands perfectly still and is nearly five feet tall with a wingspan of six feet. To their prey Great Blue Herons are the … Continue reading
Critter Column: Relaxation Techniques
by Jack Perkins The Silicon Valley needs a name change: Stress Valley is more like it. The stress of raising young kids, of our jobs, and of financial pressure, all strains our ability to stay in control. Getting away to … Continue reading
Critter Column: Two Bees
by Jack Perkins In early spring the predominant bee in my garden is the bumble bee queen, newly emerged from her winter sleep. Mostly black with a fuzzy abdomen and two yellow circles, she is pretty to watch. Starting a … Continue reading