Steering Committee Attendees: Jack Perkins, Becky Reyna, Deb Keller, Carter Coleman, Kim Copher and Laura Lewis
Neighbor Attendees: None present
The meeting was called to order by Chair at 7:32PM. The minutes were read at Jack Perkins moved to approve the minutes. Becky Reyna seconded the motion and the minutes were unanimously approved
Old Business
A Relay for Life team was formed with Kim Copher, Becky Reyna, Laura Lewis and Dave Lewis. Team members will attempt to recruit other neighbors if time permits
The Moderation Subcommittee has been communicating primarily via email. Many of the technical difficulties on OMVNAtalk have improved thanks to new servers but there are still outstanding questions about moderation. Laura Lewis will call a meeting to explore those issues further before the next SC meeting.
Downtown Grocery Store
Following up on a suggestion from neighbor Julie Lovins the SC brainstormed on ways to better understand the types of needs that the neighborhood has for a downtown grocery store. Deb Keller suggested that perhaps we can work with owners of the existing convenience and grocery stores downtown to expand their selection to meet those needs. She suggested using the polling features on to collect this feedback. She also proposed interviewing market owners for the newsletter.
New Business
The Ice Cream Social was set for August 29th at Eagle Park. The SC discussed different ideas for this year’s theme with a goal of making the social appealing to a broader audience. After much discussion Becky Reyna put forward the idea of an “old fashioned” ice cream social with Relay races, pie eating contests and dunk tank. Becky Reyna offered to take the lead on activities and will assign tasks to other SC members as needed. Laura Lewis will coordinate with last year’s ice cream provider for ice cream and will also line up a sports coach to help run a softball/soccer game
Laura Lewis had already applied for the Neighborhood Grant from the City to provide $1,500 of funds for the social. Carter Coleman believed those funds to be enough but will work with the other SC members to create a budget for the event.
A neighbor raised concerns over the recent newsletter ad for a Gun shop feeling it was inappropriate for a family newsletter. Carter Coleman explained that the Gun shop was owned by local policeman, that they sponsored a local Boy Scout troop and supplied the Mountain View police department. The ad was advertising a program that they run in conjunction with local law enforcement to buy unregistered guns, actually providing a beneficial service to the community. The other SC members present all agreed that while it this is not the type of ad preferred for the newsletter that the right to bear arms is a constitutional right and a gun shop is no less family friendly than a bar. It was agreed that the ad should be toned down for its second and final run and that we should not actively try to seek these types of ads in the future.
Reports by officers
Chair-Laura submitted a grant request form to the City for the Ice Cream Social and also has applied for insurance next year from UNSCC. The cost of the general liability insurance is $200.
Vice Chair-No Report
Newsletter-Deb Keller suggested promoting the new website functionality by offering a chance at winning a $300 Chez TJ gift certificate for people that register on the site. The name of the winner will be drawn at the ice cream social.
The newsletter team would like to try and conserve postage fees for a handful of newsletters currently being delivered by mail by offering them an option of receiving electronic delivery instead. All SC members present agreed that this is an appropriate strategy to follow.
Secretary-Not present
Downtown Liaison-Not present
Treasurer-Carter Coleman posted the budget on Google Docs prior to the meeting and there were no questions. Carter also informed the SC that he has filed and paid last year’s penalties and will file to keep our non-profit status next week.
CERT-Not present
At-Large 1 & 2– No Report
Hearing no further business the meeting was adjourned by the Chair at 9:18PM