Steering Committee Elections December 6

by Laura Lewis

The 2011 Steering Committee election will take place on December 6th at 7 p.m. at Landels School, 115 West Dana Street.  The following individuals have submitted their intent to run for the office listed.

David Lewis, Chair –   I’m a 5-year resident of Mountain View, having retired from an engineering research management position on the East Coast, where I had nearly 40 years experience in community associations. As Chair,
I will oversee a Steering Committee that will be the eyes and ears for the community, alerting the community to issues that will affect us, as well as foster opportunities to bring the community together.

Robert Cox, Vice Chair –  I’m a 15- year resident of Mountain View working as a software technical lead at Intel.  I’m currently serving as Secretary of OMVNA. My other OMVNA activities include writing articles for the newsletter, delivering the newsletter to the Wild Orchid development. I frequently lobby Council members on behalf of quality of life issues in our neighborhood.

Jack Perkins, Secretary I grew up in Palo Alto and I’ve lived in Old Mountain View for 22 years both as a renter and home owner.  My wife and I try to go to the beach at least once a week. If I ever leave OMV it will be to a place very close to the ocean.  I’ve been studying the Bhagavad Gita for the past 3 years or so (seriously folks) and love fishing and hunting. I am an executive recruiter and work with clients in India and Silicon Valley.

Manny Ramirez, Treasurer I’ve lived in Mountain View for over 20 years and have worked for companies such as HP and Agilent Technologies.  Currently I am working for 3PAR/HP.  I have held positions as a Financial Analyst, Internal Auditor,  and in Logistics among others.

Carter Coleman, Downtown Liaison I am a principal of The LoudMouth Group, an online marketing agency.  I served as OMVNA Treasurer in 2010. I also assist in keeping Jack Perkins in line.

Glenda Crespo, At Large I was raised in Mountain View and am a Chamber member.  I’m bilingual (in Spanish) and work as a professional in the Healthcare Industry and instructor for Devry University. I have an awesome 16 year old son. I enjoy and thrive in bettering my community as a whole as I learn, appreciate and grow both professionally and personally.

Deb Keller, At Large I am large, and realize I need to exercise more and eat less. I served as newsletter editor and webmaster in 2010, and wish to focus my efforts on the website in 2011. I’ve worked in Marketing forever, and currently work in The LoudMouth Group with my husband Carter, who is the LoudMouth.

TBD, Newsletter Editor

The nominating committee will continue its search for interested parties and encourages anyone interested in serving to contact Nominations may also be made from the floor at the meeting on December 6th.

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