Join the Fun! Run for OMVNA Steering Committee

by Laura Lewis

The OMVNA Nominating Committee is now accepting applications from individuals interested in participating on its Steering Committee.  Applicants must be residents living in the neighborhood and must be at least 16 years of age. Descriptions of the different positions can be found at

Interested applicants should email or mail to 555 Oak Street, Mountain View, CA 94041 with the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Length residing in neighborhood (not a criteria for acceptance)
  • Reasons why you want to join the Steering Committee
  • First and second choice of positions

All qualified applicants will be allowed to run for election which will be held in late October.
Kim Copher, who has served on the Steering Committee for 5 years, will be stepping down due to other community commitments. “If you want to get to know more of your Old Mountain View neighbors, this is a great way to do it,” noted Kim. “I encourage any interested individuals to apply.”

The Nominating Committee is comprised of Laura Lewis, current Chair;  Paul Lansky, a 15-year resident of Palmita Place street; and Kim Copher, current Vice Chair.  All Nominating Committee meetings will be announced at least two weeks in advance on and OMVNAtalk and are open to the general membership.

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