Reading Together in MV

Old Mountain View residents are invited to participate in the 4th annual Mountain View Reads Together. The book we’ll all be reading is The Mailbox by local author Audrey Shafer

The 178-page book is written for readers age nine and older. Its central character is Gabe, a 12-year-old orphan who grew up in the foster care system. It’s a story about connections — about how two people in need can save each other.

Other themes include the lingering effects of the Vietnam War on soldiers, the bond between people and their pets, the value of reading and a community that cares — all wrapped up in a compelling mystery. Book-related activities take place throughout November.

Author Audrey Shafer will read from the book at the MV Library on Nov. 14 from 2:30-3:30. She will also appear at Books Inc. and local schools.

Other activities include an art contest, calligraphy class, pop-up card workshop, and a talk about traumatic stress. Visit for event dates and times or call 903-6337.

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