The Steering Committee authorized Chair Noam Livnat to send this letter to the Mayor and Council prior to its June 16 meeting in which the proposal by Prometheus Development was reviewed.
Dear Members of the City of Mountain View City Council:
We have met recently with Prometheus’ representatives who updated OMVNA’s Steering Committee regarding their proposed project. We specifically discussed their interim plan for the pro-posed new street connecting Evelyn and Villa, and were satisfied with the current proposal’s interim solution. There were a number of additional points we would like to raise with regard to this project:
• We appreciate the fact that this is a relatively high density project, but would have been interested in exploring even higher density options given the location of the site – close to public transportation and the downtown area.
• There is some concern regard-ing the garbage collection solu-tion and its impact on residents in the area.
• We suggest reserving parking places for moving trucks. Absence of such spots at Park Place inconveniences the area’s residents and often introduces safety hazards.
• The traffic impact of the project is not yet clear to us, and we would like to minimize traffic flow impact on Evelyn St. We intend to continue discussions with downtown residents and Prometheus and to follow the City’s approval process.
Noam Livnat, OMVNA Chair