OMVNA Annual Meeting Has Crime Prevention Focus

OMVNA’s General Meeting and Election will be held Thursday, Dec. 3 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chamber. Our special guest speaker will be Steve McCoy of the Mountain View Police Department. Steve will give crime prevention tips and answer questions from the audience.

Steve has been with the Mountain View Police Department since 1998. He worked in the Personnel and Training Unit before becoming a Community Services Officer in 1999. He served in patrol for 6 ½ years.

Steve has served as the Department’s Crime Prevention Officer for over three and a half years and currently is assigned to the Office of the Police Chief in the Community Action and Information Unit. As the Department’s Crime Prevention Officer, he is the Neighborhood Watch Coordinator and he manages the False Alarm Program. He has also been a member of the Field Evidence Team and the Peer Counseling Team for the last 9 years.

Please see the next article for the list of nominees for OMVNA officer positions.

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