Minutes — Sept. 28, 2020

Minutes of OMVNA Steering Committee meeting, Monday, September 28, 2020, 7:30PM, convened electronically (via Zoom).

Present:  Regular SC and subcommittee personnel; CERT chair Sherril Brennan and Aaron Grossman; several community members.

(1) Call to order: Chair David Lewis.  Meeting came to order 7:42PM.

(2) Call for additional agenda items: Chair David Lewis.  No additions.

(3) Approval of minutes from last meeting: Chair David Lewis and Secretary Max Hauser.  Moved (Cox), 2nded (Shaikh), passed.

(4) Confirming time and place of next OMVNA meeting(s): Chair David Lewis.  For the Annual/general meeting, after some discussion (Dec. 14, 21, 28), Dec. 14 was generally favored; moved (Bickford), 2nded (Cox), passed.  Beyond December, next regular SC meeting date will be Monday Jan. 25, with first 2021 Newsletter coming out a week or so later.

(5) CERT update: CERT chair Sherril Brennan.  A grant initiative over Summer secured some $680 of a hoped-for $1k from the City — part of a $10k City grant — this will go to emergency supplies.  OMV CERT has been re-checking current roster for any updates.  Also working on improving radio-service reliability (issues surfaced of interference back and forth).

(6) OMVNA election matters:  Report of nominating committee for the steering committee elections: Nominating Committee Chair Jerry Steach.  Candidate slate reviewed.  Motion to accept candidate slate moved (Cox), 2nded (Shaikh), passed.  Discussion on how to conduct elections during the annual meeting over Zoom.  Main upshot:  Zoom offers a “raise-hand” option (found under “Participants”), convenient and appropriate for speakers wishing recognition from meeting chair.  (MH comment:  Let’s inform attendees about this procedure in future electronic meetings.)

(7) Report on upcoming City Council Forum (Sep 30): Forum subcommittee: Robert Cox, David Lewis, and Susan Bickford.

(8) Website and social media discussion: Newsletter Advertising Chair Kristin Bailey.  In the past, email contact points for SC personnel were public on the website.  Not so currently, but they’re easy enough to add.  Dave Lewis is interested in working on “some of the historic stuff;” Kristin will take up the subject with Omvnatalk[2], the MV Historical Society, and Livable MV.  There’s also an OMVNA Facebook page.  Kristin can load permanent info onto the website on request.  

(9) Brief review of state legislation affecting our residential neighborhood: Vice Chair Robert Cox.  State legislation pends, promoting or easing the adding of ADUs (supplemental small dwelling units) to existing residential property.  City of MV also is supporting ADUs, including a new permitted category of “Junior ADUs” (up to 500 square feet) which can attach to a house, with separate entrance, and accommodating kitchen but not necessarily bathroom facilities.  These can be rented out, but not short-term (“30 days plus”).  Other relevant state legislative activities include SB1120, which passed State legislative bodies but too late for gov’r signature; came nearer to being law than the controversial SB50 before it, so a similar measure is likely again next year.

(10) Steering Committee/Subcommittee Chair member reports

           (a)   Chair David Lewis

           (b)   Vice Chair Robert Cox

           (c)   Secretary Max Hauser

           (d)   Treasurer Larry Rush.  Treasury balance $24946.92

           (e)   Downtown Committee Jamil Shaikh.  Very short recent DTC meeting by Zoom; City lighting study results due at next DTC meeting.

           (f)   Newsletter Susan Bickford. 

           (g)   At Large: Larry Rosenberg and Lorraine Wormald

           (h)   Historic Preservation: Jerry Steach

           (i)   Parking: Robert Cox & Jamil Shaikh

Adjournment:  Chair David Lewis.  Meeting adjourned 8:55PM.

— Max Hauser, OMVNA Secretary.

About Max Hauser

Resident with acknowledged food obsession, active in Bay Area food and wine organizations 30 years. Dining in downtown MV regularly for 20 years and occasionally for 10 years before that.
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