Minutes of OMVNA Steering Committee meeting, Monday, November 4, 2019, at 445 Calderon (Abbott/Bakotich house)
[Obvious typo in item (4) corrected after distributing this.]
Present: Most SC and subcommittee personnel, but Vice-Chair Robert Cox acting for absent Chair David Lewis, and no CERT representative. Several community members including Kathy Morales, Tony Morales, Bob Kirby, Rob Holbrook, Ann Benham, David Benham. Sam Blewis represented the church in item 6a; Sunny Tam, Hui Do [?sp], Linda Do for the Dental Fabulous proposal, item 6b.
(Agenda numbering below includes separate items 6a and 6b, as the number 6 was accidentally duplicated.)
(1) Call to order: Vice-Chair Robert Cox. Meeting came to order 7:30PM.
(2) Call for additional agenda items: Vice-Chair Robert Cox. No additional agenda items.
(3) Approval of minutes from last meeting: Vice-Chair Robert Cox and Secretary Max Hauser. Moved/Bickford, 2nd/Rosenberg, approved.
(4) Confirming time and place of next OMVNA meeting(s): Vice-Chair Robert Cox. Annual Meeting Dec. 16, Landels. The subsequent meeting date in 2020 to be discussed before and presented at December’s Annual Meeting.
(5) CERT Update: CERT Chair Sherril Brennan, Vice Chair Aaron Grossman, or Paul Goldstein. (No CERT representative available to report.)
(6a) Introduce Rev. Sam Blewis from former Trinity Methodist Church at Hope & Mercy St: Vice Chair Robert Cox. Reverend Blewis is also an OMV resident (parsonage on Paul Ave. is church-owned). “Front Porch” is the new organizational name she’s forming, in a merger with a Los Altos church. She is associated with the local shelter for women and children.
(6b) Presentation on redevelopment of “Dental Fabulous” building, 756 California St.: Developer Sunny Tam, Hui Do [?sp], Linda Do. This proposal (initiated to City Planning in 2017) would efficiently use land currently occupied by a single-story dental office (between the parking-lot driveway and 383-Castro corner lot) for a new three-story structure, with vertical and horizontal stepping on various sides, a first-floor retail space, small-office capacity on 2nd floor, 3rd-floor dental practice with potential expansion to the 2nd floor, and unoccupied roof. Dentist Hui Do, the parcel’s owner since 2011, had remodeled and opened the existing building in 2012.
(7) Vote to ratify nominating committee’s slate of candidates for the 2020 OMVNA Leadership Team: Nominating Committee Chair Jerry Steach. Moved/Steach, 2nd/Hauser, passed.
(8) Status and decisions to be made on migrating OMVNAtalk and OMVNAsc from Yahoo Groups to IO groups: Newsletter Editor Susan Bickford. Article coming in Newsletter. Yahoo “Groups” features that have supported OMVNAtalk for many years are going away soon. Some former Yahoo-Groups personnel formed “Groups.io,” free for up to 1GB content, and accommodation for moving from Yahoo Groups; this seems the natural route for us. Susan hasn’t yet figured out how to copy OMVNAtalk’s [valuable, decades-long] message archive. OMVNAtalk2 is the working name for the new list server (David, Robert, Susan as “owners”); option exists to move the list name later, e.g. to plain OMVNAtalk, on this new host.
(9) Review recommendations from Marwood on controlling noise from the roof top deck of their proposed development [701-727 W. Evelyn off Hope] and their TDM proposal: Vice Chair Robert Cox. Kathy Thibodeaux (presenter at the August-5 SC meeting) had responded to Robert re noise provisions (10PM cutoff, no amplification). Robert forwarded PDF file to the SC. TDM proposal [parking] would have the project quite “lightly parked” compared to other downtown developments; City is supposed to impose a strong TDM policy.
(10) Steering Committee/Subcommittee Chair member reports
(a) Chair David Lewis [absent]
(b) Vice Chair Robert Cox
(c) Secretary Max Hauser
(d) Treasurer Larry Rush (current account balance $21386.46)
(e) Downtown Committee Jamil Shaikh [left earlier in meeting]
(f) Newsletter Editor Susan Bickford (reviewed Nov. Newsletter contents)
(g) At-Large: Larry Rosenberg and Lorraine Wormald. Ice-Cream-Social numbers (Lorraine): At least 300 ice-cream cones scooped, some 207 sign-ins (some being families), 302 raffle tickets, 28 volunteers worked. Final accounting [subsequent to this SC meeting] had the event, with outlays of some $2083, nearly breaking even (net loss about $25).
(h) Historic Preservation: Jerry Steach. Newsletter article on SB330.
(i) Parking: Robert Cox. Newsletter article. Parking Subcommittee met; hurdles in current RPP Program [reviewed in several past SC-meetings’ minutes] are inhibiting its practical use.
Adjournment: Vice-Chair Robert Cox. Meeting adjourned 9:11PM.
— Max Hauser, OMVNA Secretary.