Minutes — October 25, 2021

Steering committee and subcommittee personnel:
Susan Bickford, Larry Rush, Annette Nielsen, Judith Harrison, Robert Cox, Lorraine Wormald, Jerry Steach, David Lewis, Jamil Shaikh, Kristin Bailey, Max Hauser
Community member: Erik Kaulber

(1) Call to order: Chair David Lewis. Meeting came to order at 7:36 PM
(2) Approval of minutes from last meeting: Chair David Lewis and Secretary Samantha
Blewis. Moved (Cox), 2nd (Shaikh), passed.
(3) CERT update: CERT chair Sherril Brennan gave an update.
(4) Meeting times, David Lewis. Annual meeting on Monday, December 13 at 7:30 pm. Next
Steering Committee meeting, January 24. Newsletter content due January 18 or 19.
Voting will be done by having people raise their hands.
(5) Nominations: Jerry Steach, Nominations Committee Chair. Committee composed of
Julia Ha, Paul Lansky and Jerry Steach.
Chair David Lewis
Vice Chair Robert Cox
Treasurer Larry Rush
Secretary Annette Nielsen
At large Lorraine Wormald
At large Max Hauser
Newsletter Susan Bickford
Community Liaison Jamil Shaikh
Moved (Blewis), 2nd (Cox), passed.
(6) State legislation update: Robert Cox.
(7) Ice Cream Social Report: Sam Blewis.
(8) Steering Committee/Subcommittee Chair member reports
(a) Chair David Lewis
(b) Vice Chair Robert Cox
(c) Secretary Samantha Blewis
(d) Treasurer Larry Rush
(e) Downtown Committee Jamil Shaikh
(f) Newsletter Susan Bickford
(g) At Large: Larry Rosenberg and Lorraine Wormald
(h) Historic Preservation Jerry Steach
(i) Parking Robert Cox and Jamil Shaikh
(9) Adjournment: Chair David Lewis. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM.

— Samantha Blewis, OMVNA Secretary

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