Local Girl Wins Soap Box Derby

by Hugh Donagher

Alison Parman, daughter of Russ and Jennifer Parman, won the stock division of the Silicon Valley Soap Box Derby on June 1st. She will travel to Akron to represent the region at the Nationals at fabled Derby Downs on July 26.

Thirty-two racers competed in the stock and super stock divisions in the race, which ran on Dana Street between Calderon and Pioneer. Elliott Martinez of San José won the super stock division and will also compete in Akron. Six special needs kids, including two who are blind, participated in the SuperKids division. SuperKid Pauline Ugalde of Sunnyvale will join Alison and Elliott in Akron.

Mayor Tom Means challenged area mayors to participate in the first annual Mayor’s Cup Challenge. Rising to the challenge were the mayors of Cupertino (Dolly Sandoval), Santa Clara (Patricia Mahan) and Sunnyvale (Tony Spitaleri). Representing Campbell was a member of that city’s Council, Evan Low. Mountain View Vice-Mayor Margaret Abe-Koga, and representatives of the major sponsors rounded out the competition. Cupertino will host the trophy for the next year, as Dolly Sandoval edged out the competition to place first in the challenge.

Lots of local residents came out to check out the races all throughout the day. Vendors set up in Landels parking lot fed the crowds and displayed soap box derby memorabilia from up to 50 years ago.

The Palo Alto Elks and Air Systems, Inc. were the major sponsors of the race. Mountain View Kiwanis sponsored the construction of the cars raced by the SuperKids and the Mayors. Other sponsors and supporting organizations included local Lions Clubs, the Iron Warriors, Orchard Supply Hardware, Interior Door Replacement Company, CorpWest, Mountain View Towing, and Advanced Welding.

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