by Deb Keller
Truth be told, I never wanted the job of newsletter editor. I really wanted to be webmaster of, but that position was already spoken for.
Be careful what you wish for, I guess, because immediately after I was elected as editor, the webmaster quit, so I jumped at the chance to do that job in tandem.
After the election, I asked the outgoing editor who in the community I could tap for articles. He felt it was easier not to involve the community with article submissions, citing the hassle of editing and rewriting.
I have not found this to be the case, and in fact run most articles pretty much as I receive them. My thanks for articles this year from Aaron Grossman, Alex Lew, Amberlin Wu, Anthony Chang, Barbara Ruzgerian, Brian David, Carter Coleman, Greg David, David Lewis, Hugh Donagher, Jean McCloskey, Julie Lovins, Katherine Forrest, Laura Lewis, Margaret Lansky. Max Hauser, Jack Perkins, Paul Staley, and Robert Cox.
I’ve had other help too. My thanks to Melanie Kaye who has done the most excellent layout and graphic design in 2010. Carter Coleman beat the bushes for the bulk of ad revenue. I also have willing proofreaders in the Steering Committee. And of course, the entire delivery network, headed by Julie Lovins, gets this to your homes like clockwork.
In short, there’s a lot of willing helping hands, and it’s a great way to get to know your neighbors.
Give it a think! and feel free to contact me with any questions at